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Home    Ζητήματα αισθητηριακής και ψυχοκοινωνικής λειτουργίας παιδιών με Διαταραχή Αυτιστικού Φάσματος στην προσχολική ηλικία : μια εφαρμογή ψυχοπαιδαγωγικής παρέμβασης βασισμένη στο ρυθμό για την ένταξη-συμπερίληψη τους σε τυπικές ομάδες παιδιών  

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Identifier 000451851
Title Ζητήματα αισθητηριακής και ψυχοκοινωνικής λειτουργίας παιδιών με Διαταραχή Αυτιστικού Φάσματος στην προσχολική ηλικία : μια εφαρμογή ψυχοπαιδαγωγικής παρέμβασης βασισμένη στο ρυθμό για την ένταξη-συμπερίληψη τους σε τυπικές ομάδες παιδιών
Alternative Title Sensory and psychosocial functioning issues of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in preschool age : an application pace-based psychopedagogical intervention for inclusion-their inclusion in typical groups of children
Author Αυγουστάκη, Κατερίνα
Thesis advisor Τρούλη Καλλιόπη
Reviewer Πουρκός Μάριος
Μαρκοδημητράκη Μαρία
Abstract The purpose of this mixed research is to record the response of children with ASD to the implementation of the rhythm4inclusion program. This is a program of psycho-pedagogical action based on rhythm and movement. In particular, this research aims to evaluate children with a diagnosis of autism who participated in our experimental research before and after the implementation of the experimental rhythm4inclusion program in terms of their sensory function, psychosocial characteristics and rhythmic ability. In addition, an attempt was made to record the views of the teachers who implemented the program regarding the inclusion of children with ASD in the experimental group. In the present study, which has quantitative and qualitative characteristics, the experimental group and the control group consist of children with ASD diagnosis who attended the school classes of seven kindergartens in Crete during the school year 2020-2021. In total, the research sample consisted of eighteen infants (ten experimental group and eight control group). The experimental rhythm4inclusion program was applied to the experimental group. The Sensory Processing Measure (SPM) tools, the Preschool Behavior Checklist (KESPY) and the Mira Stambak Rhythm Test. We also conducted a semi-structured interview in order to gather the views and experiences of the teachers who implemented the program. Quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS and qualitative findings were recorded and commented. The results of the research showed that the pilot implementation of the program highlighted positive points, benefits and changes in the classroom for children with ASD, but also weaknesses that are worth exploring, highlighting and triggering improvements. The research aims through the implementation and evaluation of the rhythm4inclusion program in children with ASD, to provide useful information hoping to illuminate areas that are unknown in preschool education.
Language Greek
Subject Autism
Psychosocial functioning
Ψυχοκοινωνική λειτουργία
Issue date 2021
Collection   School/Department--School of Education--Department of Preschool education--Post-graduate theses
  Type of Work--Post-graduate theses
Views 697

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