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Identifier 000448411
Title Μοριακή και μορφολογική φυλογένεση του γένους Origanum στην Ελλάδα
Alternative Title Molecular and morphological phylogeny of the genus Origanum in Greece
Author Ανταλουδάκη, Ελευθερία Δ
Thesis advisor Μυλωνάς, Μωυσής
Reviewer Κυπριωτάκης, Ζαχαρίας
Πουλακάκης, Νίκος
Κρίγκας, Νίκος
Κωνσταντινίδης, Θεοφάνης
Πανίτσα, Μαρία
Τρίγκας, Παναγιώτης
Abstract The genus Origanum belongs to the family Lamiaceae and includes 45 species (with 6 subspecies) and 19 hybrids. The genus is distributed throughout Europe, North Africa to temperate Asia (Taiwan), but the majority of taxa have an eastern Mediterranean distribution, with Turkey being the center of speciation. In Greece, the genus Origanum is present with 12 taxa (10 species with three subspecies), seven of which are endemic to parts of the country. Due to the wide use of Origanum species by humans, there are many studies on the properties and uses of different species (spice, essential oils, medicinal uses) but also studies on the ecology and distribution of the species. Based on genetic research, existing studies focus on the genetic diversity of species, on their karyological structure and differences, while there are also studies on population genetics. Regarding the evolutionary species relationships in the genus, there is only one research which studied the species relationships of section Majorana (O. onites, O. majorana, O. dubium and O. syriacum). The goal of the present thesis was to investigate species relationships and assess their current taxonomy and re-evaluate their diagnostic morphological characters. The dataset included the majority of Greek species (except for O. lirium and O. sipyleum), covering a broad range of their distribution, along with species occurring outside of Greece. The various analyses were based on phylogenetic analyses of nuclear and chloroplast genes (sanger method with Bayesian and ML analyses), on morphological phylogenetic analyses (Maximum Parsimony – MP) and divergence time estimations (BEAST). According to the obtained results, phylogenetic relationships are moderately resolved; however, the monophyly of almost all species is confirmed, apart from that of the Cretan endemic species O. dictamnus. Nevertheless, the latter does not fall out of the range of the “species concept”. The 10 morphological sections are neither genetically nor morphologically confirmed, as they do not reflect the evolutionary relationships of the species and do not include all the species that correspond to them. Also, the clustering of the 10 sections into three large groups, is not genetically and morphologically supported. Some species (O. majorana, O. dubium, O. syriacum) appear to have a rather confusing taxonomic position and thus need further analysis. According to morphological analysis, all species are confirmed to be monophyletic, while specific morphological characters were proven to be highly informative for species identification, even when used alone. In contrast, characters that previously were considered to be useful for species identification, turned out to be uninformative, as several species from different sections were found sharing the same subcategories. Concerning divergence time estimations, the majority of Origanum species started their diversification between late Pliocene to mid Pleistocene (from 2,5 to 1,6 mya), although the start of the genus divergence can be traced back to mid to late Pliocene (4,5 mya). Given the existing knowledge of palaeogeography and paleoclimatology of Greece, it appears that the main reasons for species diversification is probably a combination of the effects of the Pleistocene glacial and interglacial periods, along with dispertion events and hybridization; a very important phaenomenon for speciation events in the genus Origanum.
Language Greek
Subject Flora of Greece
Χλωρίδα Ελλάδας
Issue date 2022-06-08
Collection   School/Department--School of Sciences and Engineering--Department of Biology--Doctoral theses
  Type of Work--Doctoral theses
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