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Title Φυσική χαρτογράφηση της περιοχής Q23-31 του ανθρώπινου χρωμοσώματος 5: Aπομόνωση και χαρακτηρισμός δύο νέων γονιδίων
Alternative Title Physical mapping of region Q23-31 of human chromosome 5: Isolation and characterisation of two novel genes
Author Ξαγοράρη, Αγγελική Ε
Thesis advisor Ανάγνου, Νικόλαος
Abstract The present study includes an introduction to thr genomic organization of the human chromosomal region 5Q23-31, chapter with methodology, the results and the discussion. A number of genes that code for hemopoietic growth factors, receptors, or other regulatory molecules, have been assigned to the chromosomal region 5Q23-32. Aquired loss of the region 5Q23-31 has been assosiated with the hemopoietic disorder known as 5Q-syndrome. The purpose of this study is the physical characterisation of the chromosomal region 5Q23-31 and the isolation of novel genes which will be studied further in order to assign these genes on the human genome and to study their structure and function. Molecular characterization of this chromosomal domain were started by screening of 3 human yac libraries using IL3 and GM-CSF as probes. Nine yac clones were isolated and were subsequently been used in order to construct a conting in a region that includes the IL3, IRF1 and GM-CSF genes. DNA molecules from these yacs has been used as probes. One of these yacs has been used as template for the selection of CDNA clones from a bone-marrow CDNA library. Two of the selected CDNA clones have been chosen for further analysis.Northern blot analysis showed that delta gene was expresses in the spleen, peripheral blood cells and embryonal liver giving 1.0 kd transcript. The other clone M was expressed in brain, placental, small intestine, colon, lung, kidney, liver, sceletal muscle, pancreas and test is giving 1.2 and 1.3 kb transcript.(Abstract truncated)
Language Greek
Issue date 1996-10-10
Collection   School/Department--School of Sciences and Engineering--Department of Biology--Doctoral theses
  Type of Work--Doctoral theses
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