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Post-graduate theses

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10. Measurement of weak optical rotation from chiral organic vapors via cavity enhanced polarization spectroscopy Λιναράκη, Άρτεμις Ν.
2024-03-29 Add to Basket
11. Non-Hermitian open quantum optical systems Σιμόπουλος, Γεώργιος Κ.
2024-03-29 Add to Basket
12. Galaxy cluster detection in the local universe, using machine learning methods Ψαράκης, Χαράλαμπος Ι.
2023-11-22 Add to Basket
13. Gas sensors based on 2D materials Σφακιανού, Αγγελική Μ.
2023-11-22 Add to Basket
14. Interferometric imaging simulations for the ARGOS array Ζαχαροπούλου, Θεοδώρα Π.
2023-11-22 Add to Basket
15. Investigating stellar explosions using stellar evolution models Μαστοράκης, Μιχαήλ Π.
2023-11-22 Add to Basket
16. Neutrino radio signatures with Argos Φουκαράκης, Εμμανουήλ Μ.
2023-11-22 Add to Basket
17. Pulsars with Gaia counterparts Βολακάκης, Ιωάννης Β.
2023-11-22 Add to Basket
18. Search for AGN jet alignments in the Very Large Array Sky Survey data Ορφανός, Ιωάννης Τ.
2023-11-22 Add to Basket
19. Turnaround density as a probe of the dark energy equation of state Κυβερνητάκη-Σινάνη, Άννα Ν.
2023-11-22 Add to Basket
20. Comparison of mass-mapping techniques using weak gravitational lensing: application to the UNIONS galaxy survey Τερσένοβ, Ανδρέας Α.
2023-07-28 Add to Basket
21. Development and integration of wavefront shaping techniques in a multiparametric microscope Διβάρης, Γεράσιμος Γ.
2023-07-28 Add to Basket
22. Development of a novel photoacoustic imaging prototype for the non-destructive in-depth investigation of cultural heritage items Κληρονόμου, Ευγενία Δ.
2023-07-28 Add to Basket
23. Development of an inverse scattering algorithm for optical diffraction tomography Δραγανίδης, Ιωάννης Γ.
2023-07-28 Add to Basket
24. Discriminating power of milli-lensing observations for dark matter models Λούδας, Νικόλαος Α.
2023-07-28 Add to Basket
25. Electrical impedance spectroscopy of relative humidity sensors based on NiPS3 Αρμάου, Ναταλία Ε.
2023-07-28 Add to Basket
26. Fabrication of HSFL structures on bulk metallic and semiconducting materials with ultrashort laser pulses Σιόγκα, Χριστίνα Γ.
2023-07-28 Add to Basket
27. Photodissociation of CH2Br2 and CHBr3 at 193 nm Μπανούτσος, Απόστολος Ν.
2023-07-28 Add to Basket
28. Photodissociation of CH2Br2 & CHBr3 at 242 nm Φινδριλής, Νεκτάριος Ε.
2023-07-28 Add to Basket
29. Searching for a signature of turnaround in velocity profiles of galaxy clusters with machine learning Τριανταφύλλου, Νικόλαος Π.
2023-07-28 Add to Basket
30. Theoretical model fits to the optical/UV spectral energy distributions of AGN Παπουτσής, Μάριος Χ.
2023-07-28 Add to Basket
31. Fabrication of 3D low THz metamaterials via 2-photon polymerization Παπαμακάριος, Σάββας Σ.
2023-03-31 Add to Basket
32. Topological effects in photonic lattices Κοντογεωργίου, Κωνσταντίνος Γ.
2023-03-31 Add to Basket
33. Dark matter bound state formation and thermal decoupling in the early universe Βασιλάκη, Χριστιάνα Σ.
2022-11-25 Add to Basket
34. Design of a laser frequency stabilization module for space applications Γεωργούση, Μαρία Κ.
2022-11-25 Add to Basket
35. Development of a Lab-in-a-Fiber gas CO2 pressure sensor Δολαψάκης, Δημήτρης Π.
2022-11-25 Add to Basket
36. Fiber-optic chemo-sensors for perfluorinated substances sensing Σαρακατσιάνος, Βασίλειος Ν.
2022-11-25 Add to Basket
37. Galaxy activity classification and dominant photo-ionization mechanism characterization using optical spectra and machine learning methods Δαούτης, Χαράλαμπος Θ.
2022-11-25 Add to Basket
38. Non-Hermitian jumps in disordered lattices Λεβέντης, Ανδρόνικος Α.
2022-11-25 Add to Basket
39. Propagation of tornado waves in turbulent media Μιχαηλίδης, Παναγιώτης Γιωρ.
2022-11-25 Add to Basket
40. Spectral and timing analysis of transient X-ray pulsars Δρουδάκης, Κωνσταντίνος Ο.
2022-11-25 Add to Basket
41. Study of light-induced phase segregation in mixed-halide perovskites Φραγκιουδάκης, Εμμανουήλ-Χρυσοβαλάντης Ι.
2022-11-25 Add to Basket
42. Study of nano-rectifiers based on carbon nanotubes and fullerenes Προβιάς, Αλέξανδρος Δ.
2022-11-25 Add to Basket
43. Chiral sensing of gases by signal reversing cavity ringdown polarimetry Ταζές, Κωνσταντίνος Κ.
2022-07-22 Add to Basket
44. Enhanced optical cross section, superradiance and subradiance from strongly interacting atoms Τζήμκας-Δακής, Φίλιππος Χ.
2022-07-22 Add to Basket
45. Optimization and characterization of highly elliptical XUV radiation Σπαχής, Λέανδρος Ο.
2022-07-22 Add to Basket
46. Polycrystalline SiC for brain implantable electrodes Γαβαλάς, Μιχάλης Γ.
2022-07-22 Add to Basket
47. Sensitive chiral sensing of single-drop solutions by signal-reversing cavity-ringdown polarimetry Κουτράκης, Μιχαήλ Ε.
2022-07-22 Add to Basket
48. Using optical aberrations as wavefront modulators Ζαβιτσάνος, Παναγιώτης Σ.
2022-07-22 Add to Basket
49. Liouville-Neumann series approach to the Lieb-Liniger model Κορμέντζας, Αλέξανδρος-Διονύσιος Γ.
2022-04-01 Add to Basket
50. Measurement of the magnetic field in the polaris flare region using data from the RoboPol instrument Γκιμήση, Κάτια Α.
2022-04-01 Add to Basket
51. Quantum estimation of a static magnetic field’s direction utilizing spin-1/2 probes. Ριτσόπουλος, Δημήτριος Κ.
2022-04-01 Add to Basket
52. Studying the Spectra of Luminous Infrared Galaxies (LIRGs) Μαρκοπουλιώτη Λυδία Ε.
2022-04-01 Add to Basket
53. Classification of X-ray binary systems using the machine learning methods of random forest and artificial neural networks Φραντζέσκος, Χαράλαμπος Γ.
2021-11-19 Add to Basket
54. Double compensated sub-Doppler spectroscopy for ultra-cold atom experiments Εξαμιλιώτη, Πανδώρα Γ.
2021-11-19 Add to Basket
55. Identification of clusters in observational and mock galaxy catalogs Σαβαθράκης, Γεώργιος Κ.
2021-11-19 Add to Basket
56. Non-Hermitian quantum photonic systems Σινανίδης, Αδαμάντιος-Παναγιώτης Ε.
2021-11-19 Add to Basket
57. Photochemical doping of monolayer (1L) WSe2 Κατσιπουλάκη, Ειρήνη Ι.
2021-11-19 Add to Basket
58. Study of long term X-ray time lags in AGN Καρακωντσταντάκης, Άγγελος Ε.
2021-11-19 Add to Basket
59. Cavity-enhanced atomic Iodine spectroscopy: towards PNC optical rotation measurements Τουτουδάκη, Ειρήνη Ν.
2021-07-28 Add to Basket
60. High reflectivity XUV focusing system using toroidal mirrors and a hexapod robot device Κωνσταντάκης, Παναγιώτης Δ.
2021-07-28 Add to Basket
61. Creation and purification of photonic entanglement from self-assembled quantum dots Φραντζεσκάκης, Ραφαήλ Ι.
2021-03-24 Add to Basket
62. Development of functional material surfaces Γκόιντα, Φραντσέσκα Χ.
2021-03-24 Add to Basket
63. Modeling of speech signals using recurrent neural networks Παπαδάκη, Αικατερίνη Ι
2021-03-24 Add to Basket
64. Non-Hermitian disordered photonic systems Τζωρτζακάκης, Ανδρέας-Παναγιώτης Φ.
2021-03-24 Add to Basket
65. Study of the impact of the interstellar cloud shapes on CMB polarization foregrounds Κωνσταντίνου, Άννα Κ.
2021-03-24 Add to Basket
66. 3D printing of complex phase surfaces for THz wavefront Ταμιωλάκης, Ιωάννης Ε.
2020-11-20 Add to Basket
67. Advance electronic materials for hydrogen sensing Καμπιτάκης, Βίκτωρ Σ.
2020-11-20 Add to Basket
68. Conformal field theories and analytic Bootstrap Ήφαιστος, Θεοφάνης Π.
2020-11-20 Add to Basket
69. Explorations with the Conformal Bootstrap Τσιακούλιας Μανέττας, Δημήτρης Γ.
2020-11-20 Add to Basket
70. Holographic approach to cosmology Χόχολης, Ευάγγελος Π.
2020-11-20 Add to Basket
71. Non-Hermitian topological lattices Καλτσάς, Δημήτρης Η.
2020-11-20 Add to Basket
72. Optical techniques to enhance the sensitivity of optical microscopy Βαρδάκης, Κωνσταντίνος Ν.
2020-11-20 Add to Basket
73. Part 1: Sensitive measurements of chirality with a cavitybased polarimeter. Part 2: Nanosecond-resolved magnetometry with spin polarized hydrogen atoms / Michail Xygkis; supervisor, prof. Peter T. Rakitzis. Ξύγκης, Μιχαήλ Σ.
2020-11-20 Add to Basket
74. Study of luminescence of optically pumped transition metal dichalcogenides for use in polariton devices Βερβελάκη, Ανδριανή Γ.
2020-11-20 Add to Basket
75. Towards two-dimensional Gallium Nitride Σιαϊτανίδου, Χριστίνα Κ.
2020-11-20 Add to Basket
76. Development of a homodyne detection tomography approach Λάμπρου, Θεοχάρης Σ.
2020-03-27 Add to Basket
77. Spectral classification of stars based on Machine Learning methods Κυρίτσης, Ηλίας Μ.
2020-03-27 Add to Basket
78. Turnaround radius of galaxy clusters in N-body simulations Κορκίδης, Γεώργιος Μ.
2020-03-27 Add to Basket
79. Classification of X-Ray binary systems using machine learning methods Μπέρτσιας, Αντώνιος Κ.
2019-11-29 Add to Basket
80. Global alignments of radio-jets Μανδαράκας, Νικόλαος Δ.
2019-11-29 Add to Basket
81. Ink development of Nickel Cobalt Oxides for printable supercapacitor electrodes Χαραλαμπάκης, Μιχάλης Κ.
2019-11-29 Add to Basket
82. Metasurfaces for advanced wave control Δελτσίδης, Αλέξανδρος Α.
2019-11-29 Add to Basket
83. Molecular dynamics of small systems probed with light and electrons Αφεντάκη, Αγγελική Δ.
2019-11-29 Add to Basket
84. Predicting dynamical chaos with recurrent neural networks Βίλλια, Μαρία Μυρτώ Χ.
2019-11-29 Add to Basket
85. 3D mechanical metamaterials Σπανός, Ιωάννης Ε.
2019-07-26 Add to Basket
86. Criticality and transport in magnetized holographic systems Αγγελινός, Νικόλαος Ε.
2019-07-26 Add to Basket
87. Dynamic anapole: realization by metasurfaces made of sculptured and water-based cylinders Τάκου, Ευαγγελία Ε.
2019-07-26 Add to Basket
88. Chemical synthesis of ZnO nanostructures, following environmental friendly approaches and study of their structural and optical properties. Πετρομιχελάκη, Ευαγγελία Γ.
2019-03-29 Add to Basket
89. Simulation & epitaxial growth of AlN/GaN nano-heterostructures for high electron mobility transistors Μπαϊράμης, Αντώνιος Ι.
2019-03-29 Add to Basket
90. Biometrics through retinal detection of non-classical light Μάγκος, Γρηγόριος Κ.
2018-11-23 Add to Basket
91. Chaos map analysis of particle stability in accelerators Ζαμπετάκης, Μιχαήλ Κ.
2018-11-23 Add to Basket
92. Cosmological perturbations and screening in ΛDGP model Ρωμανόπουλος, Στυλιανός Π.
2018-11-23 Add to Basket
93. Developing and optimizing light sheet microscopy using opaque lenses and wave front shaping Κεφαλογιάννη, Μαρία Γ.
2018-11-23 Add to Basket
94. Development of a photoacoustic monitoring system for the study of laser ablation processes upon the removal of encrustation from stonework Παπανικολάου, Αθανασία Φ.
2018-11-23 Add to Basket
95. Development of an imaging platform for in-vivo observations in mouse models using combined photoacoustic and optical microscopy Νταλόπουλος, Αντώνης Β.
2018-11-23 Add to Basket
96. In situ measurement of the effective nonlinear absorption order in multiphoton photoresists Λαδίκα, Δήμητρα Π.
2018-11-23 Add to Basket
97. Modeling the X-ray luminosity function of HMXB systems in the small magellanic cloud Αλιπράντης, Σταμάτιος Ι.
2018-11-23 Add to Basket
98. Orbital angular momentum and accelerating optical wavepackets Μπρίμης, Απόστολος Ι.
2018-11-23 Add to Basket
99. Parity- Time (PT) symmetry in coupled laser cavities Χουλάκης, Ανδρέας Μ.
2018-11-23 Add to Basket
100. Preparation of high-dimensional maximally entangled states of a single photon in a quantum walk Γρατσέα, Αικατερίνη Σ.
2018-11-23 Add to Basket
101. Quantum dissipation in non-Markovian reservoirs Ηλίας, Θεόδωρος Γ.
2018-11-23 Add to Basket
102. Study of toxic gases by using n- and p- type composite material Μοσχογιαννάκη, Μαριλένα Μ.
2018-07-20 Add to Basket
103. Μικροκοιλότητες νιτριδίων για πολαριτονικές διατάξεις Μίζιου, Φωτεινή Γ.
2018-07-20 Add to Basket
104. Assessment of the localizability of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic-Ray (UHECR) sources through next-generation optopolarimetric experiments. Βέλλη, Μαρία-Χριστίνα Γ.
2018-03-23 Add to Basket
105. Measuring optical polarization in low dust extinction regions Σκαλίδης, Ραφαήλ Κ.
2018-03-23 Add to Basket
106. Observations of galaxies in the local universe with the space telescope Gaia Τσιάτσιου, Σοφία Ι.
2018-03-23 Add to Basket
107. Autoionization resonances strongly driven by stochastic fields Μουλουδάκης, Γεώργιος Ευθύμιος Β.
2017-11-22 Add to Basket
108. Development of high temperature single photon emitters based on InAs piezoelectric quantum dots Θυρής, Ιωάννης Μ.
2017-11-22 Add to Basket
109. Exploitation of non-linear effects for the discrimination of absorbers in optical resolution photoacoustic microscopy using single wavelength excitation Λεμονάκη, Κρυσταλία Σ.
2017-11-22 Add to Basket
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