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Title Σύνθεση και μελέτη νέου φωτοκαταλυτικού συστήματος πορφυρίνης-κοβαλοξίμης με κυανοξικές ομάδες σύνδεσης για παραγωγή uδρογόνου
Author Παραβατού, Ραφαέλλα
Thesis advisor Κουτσολέλος, Αθανάσιος
Abstract In recent years, humanity is faced with a problem that had not counted. The combination of modern lifestyle and increased consumption led to the depletion of oil, gas and natural resources. As a consequence, humanity is facing an energy 'deadlock'. The production of hydrocarbons and adequate fuel sources using solar energy is considered a vital component of future energy. Biology clearly show examples of processes where abundant solar energy is converted into energy stored in the form of chemical bonds to small molecules, such as molecular hydrogen. The production of molecular hydrogen from the conversion of solar energy into fuel, so-called solar fuels, is a promising procedure. The necessary for this process is the development of a photocatalytic system for the production of hydrogen from water, which simulates the procedure of photosynthesis. The photosynthetic systems typically contain a photosensitizer and a catalyst.Τhe function of photosensitizer is to collect the sunlight and the catalyst accomplishes the reduction of hydrogen cations to molecular hydrogen. Additional challenge of the photocatalytic hydrogen production is the development of systems based on materials that are abundant in nature which provide high activity, stability and durability on the system. In this thesis, carried the photocatalytic production of hydrogen in pure water under a photosensitizer, a water reduction catalyst with a central metal zinc ion and triethanolamine, as an irreversible electron donor. In this study, it is shown in detail the composition of the photosensitizer and the catalyst. Furthermore, it is presented and their identification by mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF) spectroscopy and UV-Visible (UV-Vis).The experiments performed over a range of pH and the amount of molecular hydrogen was measured in turnover number (TON).Based on these results became apparent that the newly synthesized catalyst and photosensitizer not produce hydrogen and hydrogen occurs by the interaction of an already successful sensitizer with the catalyst. This suggests that the efficiency of the catalyst but not of the photosensitizer.
Language Greek
Issue date 2016-11-18
Collection   School/Department--School of Sciences and Engineering--Department of Chemistry--Graduate theses
  Type of Work--Graduate theses
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