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Identifier 000454399
Title Ο ρόλος του μεμβρανικού υποδοχέα ανδρογόνων OXER1 στις αλλαγές του ενδοκυττάριου ασβεστίου
Alternative Title The role of the membrane androgen receptor OXER1 in intracellular calcium changes
Author Κωνσταντίνου, Ευαγγελία Κ.
Thesis advisor Σπύρος, Απόστολος
Καμπά, Μαρία-Ελένη
Reviewer Πυρίντσος, Στέργιος
Abstract Androgen molecules play a central role as hormonal signals in the processes of growth, differentiation and proper functioning of organisms. Androgen molecules exert their action through classical intracellular nuclear receptors or membrane androgen receptors. Androgen action via nuclear receptors has been extensively studied and mainly involves binding to gene response elements as transcription factors. Undoubted, however, is the action of androgens via membrane androgen receptors, which in many cases differs significantly from the classical action of these steroid molecules. Non-genomic actions of androgens via membrane receptors are often evident as a rapid increase in intracellular free Ca+2 concentration is observed. Our research group has shown that membraneacting testosterone increases intracellular Ca+2 levels in prostate cancer cells. In addition, we reported that testosterone can act through the OXER1 receptor by reversing the cAMP inhibition induced by 5-oxo-ETP. For OXER1, 5-oxo-ETE increased ERK1/2 phosphorylation rate and calcium mobilization through a signaling cascade consisting of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and Akt proteins in both prostate cancer cells and eosinophils. In addition, Gβγ signaling was shown to promote actin polymerization. Several mechanisms of action are involved in Ca+2 signaling. It can trigger exocytosis within seconds, even rapid muscle contraction, but on the other side of the scale, gene transcription and cell proliferation can operate within minutes to hours. Studies have shown that intracellular Ca+2 homeostasis is altered, affecting tumor growth, angiogenesis, proliferation and metastasis. Signaling changes in Ca+2 concentration has become a new area of research in cancer therapy. The purpose of this master's thesis is to study the calcium signaling pathway mediated by the OXER1 receptor, to clarify and understand the process of regulating Ca+2 signaling in cancer cells. In addition, the effects of natural products on intracellular calcium ion flux in prostate cancer cells, as well as their effects on the modification of the actin cytoskeleton, were studied.
Language Greek, English
Subject 5-oxo-ETE
Actin cytoskeleton
Calcium signaling
Natural products
Prostate cancer
Καρκίνος του προστάτη
Κυτταροσκελετός της ακτίνης
Σηματοδότηση ασβεστίου
Φυσικά προϊόντα
Issue date 2023-03-30
Collection   School/Department--School of Sciences and Engineering--Department of Chemistry--Post-graduate theses
  Type of Work--Post-graduate theses
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