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Identifier 000452587
Title Οι επιδράσεις του οικογενειακού περιβάλλοντος, της γειτονιάς και των παιδικών σταθμών στη σχολική ετοιμότητα των παιδιών
Alternative Title The effects of family environment, neighborhood and kindergartens on children's school readiness
Author Κώτη, Αικατερίνη Η.
Reviewer Ελευθεράκης Θεόδωρος
Σακελλαρίου Μαρία
Οικονομίδης Βασίλειος
Αμπαρτζάκη Μαρία
Συνώδη Ευανθία
Χλαπάνα Ελισάβετ
Abstract The effects of different contexts on a person’s life and especially on a child’s life, are crucial for his later development. The family’s environment, the neighborhood and the provided daily education and training determine the level of school readiness. In this context, the purpose of this PHD dissertation is the simultaneous examination of the child’s multiple ecological systems and the effect on their behavior and developmental outcomes. The specific research throughout the qualitative and quantitative methodology uses the review research, as suitable for the purpose and the objectives of this research method. The research lasted one year, while its research tools consisted of two Evaluation Scales and a questionnaire: 1) The Assessment Scale ACEI Global Guidelines Assessment - ACEI GGA (Association for Childhood Education International). The evaluation of day care and education programs (2006a, 2006b), which was distributed to each nursery school in the research sample and supplemented by the preschool teacher, the person in charge, the head principle of the structure. With this scale, which was self-assessed the level of quality of the nursery schools, where the children attended before passing to the compulsory education, the kindergarten. 2) The "questionnaire for parents", (which was made by the researcher), was distributed to each parent, whose child attended the specific kindergartens and was completed by one parent, to examine the impact of the family environment and his neighborhoods’ environment, on specific developmental areas of children. 3) The Scale of Classified Criteria based on the Curriculum (Gourgiotou & Klotsotyra, 2018) for each child who attended the kindergartens which were under investigation and completed by the responsible kindergarten teacher of each child, to examine the school readiness of the children’ research. For the statistical data process of the research the SPSS 20 program was used and the Cronbach΄s internal reliability index was calculated. The analysis of the results showed that the positive effects of the three different contexts of young children can contribute to their higher school readiness, in fact, acting as a support for the whole educational process. In particular, it was found that the positive impact of the family environment, the neighborhood, but also the structures of preschool education of a child, ensure a high level of school readiness, a feature particularly important and decisive for the course of his life. Respectively, the crucial value of the simultaneous and parallel provision of positive environments for a young child was found, since each context can in turn contribute crucially and redeeming to the structural of the all-round development of his personality. The value of this research is related to a specific perspective of utilizing the school readiness of the young child, involving all the familiar environments of the child in which he lives in, develops and socializes, in order to achieve at the highest level the overall many-sided cultivation of his personality, and to acquire its optimal behaviors, but also the effectiveness of the educational / pedagogical work which is offered.
Language Greek
Subject Context impact
Ecosystem approach
Pre-school education
School readiness
School transition
Επίδραση πλαισίων
Οικοσυστημική προσέγγιση
Προσχολική εκπαίδευση
Σχολική ετοιμότητα
Σχολική μετάβαση
Issue date 2022
Collection   School/Department--School of Education--Department of Preschool education--Post-graduate theses
  Type of Work--Post-graduate theses
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