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Identifier 000416217
Title Αποτίμηση της συμβολής των θεατρικών συμβάσεων στο μάθημα της Ιστορίας, μέσω της εφαρμογής ενός σχεδίου έρευνας δράσης
Alternative Title The evaluation of the contribution of drama conventions in the history class through an application of an action research plan
Author Παπανικολάου, Γεωργία
Thesis advisor Δ. Καραγιώργος
Abstract This study refers to the exploitation of the educational character of theatre in the teaching of History class in the primary school which has been attempted, with a series of alternative teaching interventions in the 5th class of primary in all the History classes during the academic year 2012-2013. The aim of the present study was the investigation of the learning and development results of the employment of Drama Conventions (technical) in the teaching of History as a subject. By applying these conventions the students were fuelled with empathy for the successful reincarnation of each role, examining historical sources and information which they evaluated and deployed, in order to be driven, through interlocutory conversations and cooperative procedures in the comprehension of historic ‘‘reality’’, in the production of historic speech and in the development of critical thinking. Lastly, the opportunity is given to the educational researcher to approach with an active way, the important meanings of History, which very rarely are comprehended by the students whilst at the same time the Drama Conventions work as a motive in the initiation and familiarization of the students with the methodology of historic research. The use of the action research as an investigation process was critical, so as the present investigation attempt to respond to the needs and particularities of the History lesson. This is achieved with constant planning through the circular procedure: planning  action  observation  contemplation  redesigning. With this procedure the opportunity of understanding andimprovingthe educational practise of the History class rose. The present research is composed in two parts, the theoretical and the investigational. The first chapter consists the theoretical part offering basic information for the terms ‘‘History’’ and ‘‘Dramatic Conventions’’. By analysing opposing opinions on the educational and scientific History, as well as the purpose and targets of teaching History.The terms historical thinking, historical conscious and historical empathy are clarified. The term ‘‘Theatrical Education’’ is referred in relation to the context of application to the Primary Education in the Cypriot reality. Starting the contemplation around the pedagogy of History, the study refers to the exploitation of the Theatrical Education, combining the terms ‘‘History’’ and ‘‘Drama Conventions’’. The chapter ends with an analysis of the different genres of Drama Conventions that have been selected to be applied during the conduction of this research. The second chapter with title ‘‘Research Methodology’’ initially refers to information about the methodological model of action research and the reasons it has been selected. Afterwards, they are presented: the problematic, the necessity, the importance as well as the aim and the research questions. Lastly, it approaches the method of conducting the research and the medium of production of data. At this part the first half of the research is completed, the theoretical. The second part of the research, analyses the three stages of applying the research: (1) recognition- approaching of the under-investigation situation, (2) intervention – planning and application of action and (3) evaluation – observation of the achieved change. Hereupon, the positiveand negative outcomes of each intervention, are presented. It is worth mentioning that in all the subchapters of the research section of the study there is a presentation of extracts from theatrical activities that have been applied in the dramatic interventions of the educational researcher and the response of the students to the them. Afterwards, the findings of the research are analysed and the conditions of the effective application of the Drama Conventions in the History class are questioned. The study is completed with the chapter ‘‘general conclusions - suggestions’’ where there is an overall evaluation of the program, giving answers to the research questions and presenting some alternative propositions to the teachers of primary education, as well as the state. To conclude, this study includes, in digital form, the Journals of the didactical interventions (Lesson plans, observations, the problems, student responses and photographs).
Language Greek
Subject Action research
Drama convention
Historical empathy
Theatre education
Έρευνα δράσης
Διδακτική της ιστορίας
Θεατρικές συμβάσεις
Θεατρική αγωγή
Ιστορική ενσυναίσθηση
Ιστορική σκέψη
Issue date 2016
Collection   School/Department--School of Education--Department of Primary education--Doctoral theses
  Type of Work--Doctoral theses
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