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Title Polarimetry with RoboPol on type Ia supernovae and evaluation of candidate progenitor systems
Alternative Title Μελέτη της πόλωσης υπερκαινοφανών εκρήξεων τύπου Iα με το Robopol
Author Γουρνή, Αναστασία
Thesis advisor Αντωνιάδης, Ιωάννης
Abstract This thesis deals with the polarimetric study of 9 SN Ia events in the context of the search and identification of progenitor systems of these explosions. The polarimetric examination of the objects was carried out with the Robopol polarimeter mounted on the 1.3-m Skinakas telescope, with which the normalized Stokes parameters u and q were measured. We used the standard Robopol pipeline to obtain error-corrected u and q measurements. These quantities then allowed us to calculate the polarization degree and polarization angle and consequently study their evolution as a function of time. We find that for the majority of these explosions the polarization degree decreases with time, favoring the double degenerate progenitor scenario.
Language English
Issue date 2024-11-21
Collection   School/Department--School of Sciences and Engineering--Department of Physics--Graduate theses
  Type of Work--Graduate theses
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