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Title Quantum spin hopping in half-doped manganites
Author Κελίρη, Ανδριανή
Thesis advisor Περάκης, Ηλίας
Abstract In the context of a non-equilibrium many-body theory that describes photoinduced femtosecond changes in the magnetic phase of strongly correlated systems, I study two insulating ground states for the case of half-doped manganites: the CE and the FI-CO phase. I numerically derive their energy dispersion for the quantum spin case, for various values of the Jahn-Teller energy and of the spin-canting angle. In addition, I calculate the percentage of spin ips in their valence and conduction band.
Language Greek
Issue date 2015-03-20
Collection   School/Department--School of Sciences and Engineering--Department of Physics--Graduate theses
  Type of Work--Graduate theses
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