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Identifier 000468108
Title Οι ιδέες της Φούλας Χατζιδάκη : λογοτεχνία, αισθητική, πολιτική / Ελένη Αλεξανδράκη.
Alternative Title Foula Chatzidaki's ideas : literature, aesthetics, politics.
Νεανική αναζήτηση των «ιδανικόκοσμων» στα πρώτα συγγραφικά βήματα του Βενέζη
Author Αλεξανδράκη, Ελένη
Thesis advisor Καστρινάκη Αγγέλα
Abstract The presence of the left-wing intellectual and writer Foula Hatzidaki left her own imprint on the history of Greek letters. This paper attempts to shed light on this imprint not only as an individual contribution to the field of the Left literature, but also as part of the developments of the Greek left-wing intelligentsia. Her ideas on literature, aesthetics and politics are examined around her life, her critical writings and her collection of short stories, Low Voices. The investigation of her ideological identity takes into account the developments in the field of Marxist literary criticism as well as the "adventures" of communism in Greece and the Soviet Union.
Language Greek
Subject Greek communist party
Low voices
Marxist literary criticism
Political exile
Proletarian literature
Socialist realism
Μαρξιστική λογοτεχνική κριτική
Προλεταριακή λογοτεχνία
Σοσιαλιστικός ρεαλισμός
Χαμηλοί τόνοι
Issue date 2024-10-12
Collection   School/Department--School of Philosophy--Department of Philology--Post-graduate theses
  Type of Work--Post-graduate theses
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