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Identifier uch.csd.msc//2005plastara
Title Σχεδίαση και ανάπτυξη συστήματος διαδικτυακής ψηφιακής βιβλιοθήκης πηγών πληροφορίας
Alternative Title Design and development of a web-based digital library of information resources
Creator Plastara, . Ekaterini G
Abstract The Information Age and the rapid technological evolution have lead to an unceasing and continuously growing rate of digital information creation and dissemination. The technological status has reached a level that enables the digitalization of any form of data, and as a result information resources are available anytime, anywhere through web-based applications. Digital libraries of information resources were created and established in order to take advantage and, at the same time, support this unprecedented prevalence of Internet technologies, of information resources and consequently of knowledge, and the need of Internet users to exploit this situation. Digital library systems usually emphasize more on the exploitation of the existing technologies for the storage and free dispensation of as more information resources as possible, not taking into account the particular needs and requirements of users with specialized interests and most of the times ignoring the quality level of the available information. The Web-Based Digital Library of Information Resources described in this thesis was designed and implemented in order to contribute to the resolution of the above mentioned problems. The system is a specialized digital library of information resources targeted in particular areas of interest, but nevertheless contains the necessary infrastructure to adjust to the needs of any specialized scientific field that it is applied to. It includes the required functions to support searching and retrieval of information resources, providing at the same time organization and categorization of such resources, and consequently it forms a more coherent information search space. The system also contains additional mechanisms for the insertion of new resources and their interconnection both with other already existing ones and with the existing taxonomies of the library so as to preserve a consistent structure and organization of information, regardless of the amount of data stored in the system. Finally, in order to control and sustain the quality of the resources’ content, the digital library supports a special mechanism for reviewing and evaluating the information by the end users, members of the particular community of common interests that the systems is targeted to. The present thesis presents the design, development and evaluation process of the web based digital library of information resources system. During this process, the user centered design approach was applied, which is a recursive procedure aimed at designing and implementing usable systems by interfering the future system users in all the stages of the design process. At the end of this process, a usability evaluation procedure took place, which was conducted by sample end users of the system. A part of this procedure was the measurement of the system’s effectiveness, efficiency and user satisfaction as usability criteria. The study of the evaluation results showed that the particular resource library system is considered to be a useful tool for finding, retrieving and manipulating information resources that are related to the particular interests of a specialized community of users.
Issue date 2005-04-01
Date available 2005-07-20
Collection   School/Department--School of Sciences and Engineering--Department of Computer Science--Post-graduate theses
  Type of Work--Post-graduate theses
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