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Identifier 000448944
Title Το σώμα και η σεξουαλικότητα στην ποίηση της Κατερίνας Αγγελάκη-Ρούκ, του Γιώργου Χρονά και του Γιάννη Βαρβέρη : προσπάθειες απόσδρασης από τα δεσμά της έμφυλης ταυτότητας
Alternative Title The matter of the body and sexuality in the poetic work of Katerina Angelakis-Rouke, Giorgos Chronas and Giannis Varveris : attempts of breaking free from the bonds of gender identity
Author Βιτώρου, Μαρία Ζαχαρένια
Thesis advisor Νάτσινα Αναστασία
Abstract This paper is about the matter of the body and its sexuality, as perceived be post- structural theories of the 20th century. According to post – structuralism the body is a signifier that has been arbitrarily invested with meaning within specific cultural content so as to signify gender identity for the subject. The patriarchal regime fully depends on the signification of the body, since the identities of masculinity and femineity, homosexuality and heterosexuality, tie the individual to specific social expectations and serve to hierarchize between them. This paper focuses on three Greek postwar poets, Katerina Aggelaki – Rouke, Giorgos Chronas and Giannis Varveris, who experience their own bodies as oppression. Each of them feels trapped by the gender identities signified by their bodies, that of the female, the homosexual male, the heterosexual dominant male. All of them attempt to renegotiate the concept of identity. Katerina Aggelaki – Rouke attempts an escape from «the gaze of the other», the male gaze, and redefines «femineity»: her body does no longer signify «lack» rather than «multiplicity», her body is the «the body within», an inexhaustible source that embraces contradictions, and is accessible to no one but herself. Giorgos Chronas attempts to disrupt the boundaries between private and political space. What stands as an obstacle to this being achieved is the internalized guilt of his homosexual heroes. Chronas wants to reinscribe the homosexual male body on the canvas of culture as signifying both eroticism and mortality, thus undermining the association of masculinity to culture and femineity to nature, upon which patriarchy itself is grounded. Giannis Varveris' source of suffering is the experience of his own self as fragmentary and lacking coherence. Furthermore, his «feminine» sensitivity has to remain repressed since it poses a threat to the contradicting social roles he is expected to perform as a man: that of the civilized Western man and that of the primitive, savage male lover. Varveris' playful writing attempts to bring the reader to realize the constructed nature of the distinction between the inside and the outside, as well as the concepts of identity and self. The narrator never ceases to long for a precultural unity of the being, of the male and the female.
Language Greek
Subject Body
Gender identity
Έμφυλη ταυτότητα
Issue date 2022
Collection   School/Department--School of Philosophy--Department of Philology--Post-graduate theses
  Type of Work--Post-graduate theses
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