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Identifier uch.csd.msc//2002doulgeraki
Title Μέθοδος Βασισμένη σε Πράκτορες για Μοντελοποίηση Επιχειρησιακών Διαδικασιών
Alternative Title An Agent - based Method for Business Process Modeling
Creator Doulgeraki, Paraskeui I
Abstract The modern information society inevitably influences the organization, the management, the functionality, the economy and the policy of an enterprise. Consequently, the sustainability of an enterprise in the competitive market depends from its continuing effort for improvement of efficiency of its business processes. As a result, there is a need for dynamic redeployment of resources as well as redevelopment and preplanning of enterprise system, which involves analysis, representation and management of knowledge that concerns the enterprise and its business processes. The aforementioned need of enterprises constituted the stimulus for the present work. We present an agent-based framework, aiming at the representation of enterprise knowledge that characterizes organizations and the modeling of their business processes. Our framework is mainly based on the ideas and concepts of Artificial Intelligence. These concepts (objective and goal, role and actor - agent, action and process, responsibility and constraint) allow the analysis of business processes of an agent-based business process management system. The present work systematically presents an agent-based business model, which consists of five interdependent submodels. The above model models the enterprise knowledge and the business processes of an enterprise. The technique that is used for the modeling of an enterprise speaks to the growth of object-oriented models. The agent-based business model is used by a proposed methodology for business process modeling. The modeling components are defined concerning the concepts that constitute the approach. The total set of concepts composes our metamodel, which includes information relative with the semantics of enterprise knowledge. The aforementioned methodology renders point of beginning the enterprise objectives. The requirements and the vision of enterprise are determined in the plan of enterprise objectives, where the goals that should be achieved are placed. The next step is modeling the way that objectives are realized through business processes. This allows the business analysts to shift from an abstract specification of enterprise system to a number of more detailed specifications, which constitutes the initial specification. The key of our methodology is the presentation of a business process as a set of autonomous agents, which undertake the responsibility for the conservation of certain constraints and the execution of all essential actions that constitute one or more organizational roles in order to achieve certain enterprise goals.
Issue date 2002-07-01
Date available 2002-06-20
Collection   School/Department--School of Sciences and Engineering--Department of Computer Science--Post-graduate theses
  Type of Work--Post-graduate theses
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