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Identifier 000466133
Title Generation of optical Schrödinger "cat" and entangled states using intense laser-atom interactions
Alternative Title Παραγωγή Schrödinger "γατών" και διεμπλεκόμενων καταστάσεων φωτός με χρήση ισχυρών αλληλεπιδράσεων λέιζερ με άτομα
Author Λάμπρου, Θεοχάρης Σ
Thesis advisor Τζάλλας, Παρασκευάς
Reviewer Κομίνης, Ιωάννης
Νικολόπουλος, Γεώργιος
Abstract The interaction of atoms with intense laser pulses leads to the generation of high harmonics, where the low-frequency photons of a driving laser field are converted into photons of higher frequencies. This process is one of the most fundamental processes in strong laser physics. It has been used in numerous fascinating achievements in atomic, molecular and optical physics, and it is at the core of attosecond science. Until recently, the process of High Harmonic Generation (HHG) has been successfully described by classical or semi-classical strong-field approximations, which treat the electromagnetic field classically. This has been recently changed. In our recent theoretical and experimental investigations, conducted using fully quantized approaches in intense laser-atom interactions, we have shown that quantum operations in the high harmonic generation process, can lead to the generation of optical Schrödinger "cat" states and entangled light states with controllable quantum features. Here, I describe these developments emphasizing in our recent findings on the generation of intense optical "cat" states for applications in non-linear optics. These findings mark the initiation of a diverse range of new investigations and exciting developments. I will also discuss how we aspire to utilize strongly laser-driven materials for the development of a new class of non-classical and massively entangled states for novel applications in quantum technologies.
Language English
Subject High harmonic generation
Non-linear quantum optics
Quantum electrodynamics
Quantum light
Quantum optics
Κβαντική ηλεκτροδυναμική
Κβαντική οπτική
Κβαντικό φως
Μη γραμμική κβαντική οπτική
Παραγωγή υψηλών αρμονικών
Issue date 2024-09-09
Collection   School/Department--School of Sciences and Engineering--Department of Physics--Doctoral theses
  Type of Work--Doctoral theses
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