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Title Εφαρμογές της μοριακής δυναμικής στην προσέγγιση της ισχυρής δέσμευσης: Μελέτη των συστάδων νικελίου και της χημιρρόφησης Si και Ni στη ν επιφάνεια Si(110)
Alternative Title Applications of tight-binding molecular dynamics: Studies of Ni clusters and Si-Ni chemisorption on Si(110) surface.
Author Λαθιωτάκης, Νεκτάριος
Thesis advisor Οικονόμου, Ελευθέριος
Abstract A Tight binding Molecular Dynamics scheme was used to study Ni clusters of the size up to 55 atoms. The same model with the inclusion of a technique based on the Green's function was used to study the reconstruction of Si(110) surtace and the chemisorption of Si and Ni external atoms on the surtace.
Language Greek
Issue date 1998-01-01
Date available 1998-04-15
Collection   School/Department--School of Sciences and Engineering--Department of Physics--Doctoral theses
  Type of Work--Doctoral theses
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