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Search command: Author="Τραγανίτης"  And Author="Απόστολος"
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4. Calypso: a GPU streaming framework for Software Defined Radio implementations Νικολαίδης, Φώτιος Μ.
2016-03-18 Add to Basket
5. FIRMA: a development framework for Elderly - Friendly interactive multimodal applications for assistive robots Καζέπης, Νικόλαος Ιωάννη
2016-03-18 Add to Basket
6. Improving network performance through multipath utilization for wireless mesh networks Πλουμίδης, Μανώλης
2015-07-07 Add to Basket
7. FPGA based implementation for multi-gigabit high precision network measurements Γαβαλετάκης, Αντώνιος Π.
2014-11-21 Add to Basket
8. Software defined radio implementation of IEEE 802.11a physical and MAC layer transceiver on general purpose processors Σουρλίγκας, Εμμανουήλ Κ.
2014-11-21 Add to Basket
9. Network flow contracts : lightweight and practical accountability for the internet Ντρίτσος, Νίκος
2014-07-25 Add to Basket
10. Location sensing via sparse and low rank signal models Νικητάκη, Σοφία
2014-07-08 Add to Basket
11. Privacy-preserving twitter browsing through obfuscation Παπαδόπουλος, Παναγιώτης Ε.
2014-03-28 Add to Basket
12. Network-Level Cooperation: Throughput, Stability, and Energy Issues Παππάς, Νικόλαος Δημήτριος
2012 Add to Basket
13. Performance Issues of Network - Level Cooperation with Multiple - Relays Παπαδημητρίου, Γεώργιος Απόστολος
2012 Add to Basket
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