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Identifier 000450023
Title Βενθική πανίδα των αλιευτικών πεδίων του Ιονίου
Alternative Title Benthic fauna of fishing grounds in the Ionian sea
Author Λάμπα, Μαρία Δ.
Thesis advisor Καρακάσης, Ιωάννης
Reviewer Μαχιάς, Αθανάσιος
Αρβανιτίδης, Χρήστος
Abstract The Ionian Sea is one of the most important areas of the Greek Exclusive Economic Zone as it hosts high levels of biodiversity and is of great ecological importance. Despite all of this, it is also not very well explored. By means of monitoring and with the use of benthic indices, a set of data can be collected in order to assess the impact of several ecological parameters and factors on benthos, its structure and its evolution. In this context, this study aims at a) creating a mapping of benthic communities in several areas of the Ionian Sea, b) the classification of ecological quality in said areas with the use of benthic indices, the comparison of the correlations of the indices measured for those areas, as well as the assessment of the impact of environmental factors (such as discards) in the areas of Ionian Sea, c) the comparison of diversity between Ionian and neighboring seas of the Mediterranean.
Language Greek
Subject Benthos
Marine Ecology
Απορριπτόμενα αλιεύματα
Θαλάσσια οικολογία
Issue date 2022-07-29
Collection   School/Department--School of Sciences and Engineering--Department of Biology--Post-graduate theses
  Type of Work--Post-graduate theses
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