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Identifier uch.csd.msc//2005patkos
Title Μια Αγορά Διαπραγματευόμενων Ευφυών Πρακτόρων Λογισμικού, Δομημένων σε ένα ΟμότιμοΣημασιολογικό Δίκτυο
Alternative Title A Semantic Marketplace of Peer Hosting Negotiating Intelligent Agents
Creator Patkos, Theodoros
Abstract Recent years have seen an enormous increase in the amount of information and services accessible online, causing the task of discovering and trading resources to become highly complex. Still, human users are actively involved in all phases of the e-Commerce interaction process. Moreover, the current economic trading sphere is structured on top of an open, distributed, heterogeneous and, most often, unreliable environment. As a result, research efforts are oriented towards achieving interoperability between negotiating parties and automation in job execution, based on scalable infrastructures. This thesis proposes a design that integrates three prominent technologies for addressing issues of next generation e-Commerce applications; autonomous intelligent software agents, peer-to-peer networking and the Semantic Web. SeMPHoNIA (SEmantic Marketplace of Peers HOsting Negotiating Intelligent Agents) is an architecture for an agent-based virtual marketplace, utilizing knowledge from queryable RDF product repositories, in an open peer-to-peer environment. The platform defines and implements all the basic stages of the overall process of e-trading, facilitating human users in closing deals in an automated manner. The implementation of our approach is demonstrated in the context of auction scenarios. The platform is designed to be highly extensible to allow experimentation with the technologies involved. The standpoint of this thesis is the significance of collaboration of those three technologies. In addition, a thorough evaluation of the system’s performance, under various test cases, is demonstrated.
Issue date 2005-04-01
Date available 2005-07-20
Collection   School/Department--School of Sciences and Engineering--Department of Computer Science--Post-graduate theses
  Type of Work--Post-graduate theses
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