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Identifier 000451014
Title Μελέτη της συσχέτισης του πεπτιδίου i-FGF23 με δείκτες ομοιοστασίας του σιδήρου, της ερυθροποίησης, της φλεγμονής και του οστικού μεταβολισμού σε παιδιατρικούς ασθενείς με οξεία λοίμωξη
Alternative Title Study of the association of i-FGF23 peptide with markers of iron homeostasis, erythropoiesis, inflammation and bone metabolism in pediatric patients with acute infection
Author Παπαστεργίου, Ελένη
Thesis advisor Μάκης, Αλέξανδρος
Reviewer Σιώμου, Αικατερίνη
Στειακάκη, Ευτυχία
Abstract Background: Ιntact Fibroblast Growth Factor23 (i-FGF23) plays an important role in phosphorus and vitamin D metabolism. It is also implicated in functional iron deficiency and anaemia of inflammation especially in chronic inflammatory diseases. The aim of this prospective study is to evaluate the association between i-FGF23 and markers of iron homeostasis, erythropoiesis, inflammation and bone metabolism in pediatric patients with acute infections. Materials and methods: A prospective study was performed on 79 children (1 month – 13 years old of age, 42 males - 37 females). Children with diseases, nutrient defeciency and conditions that affect red blood cells were excluded from the study. Twenty-six patients had bacterial infections, 26 had viral infections and 27 children were healthy controls. Complete blood count tests, markers of inflammation (ESR, CRP, Ferr), markers of iron metabolism (Fe, TIBC, TfS), markers of bone metabolism [Ca, Pi, 25(OH)D3], serum hepcidin and i-FGF23 levels were compared between the groups. Results: Thirty-nine % of patients with bacterial infection contrary to 12% of patients with viral infection and 0% of controls had anaemia (p<0.001). Ninety-two % of patients with bacterial infection and 81% of patients with viral infection had functional iron deficiency (p<0.001). Hepcidin was significantly positively corelated with days of fever, white blood cell count and neutrophil count, CRP, ESR, ferritin and negatively correlated with Fe, TIBC, TfS, lymphocyte count, Ca, Pi and i-FGF23. I-FGF23 was positively correlated with lymphocyte count, Fe, TfS and negatively correlated with days of fever, neutrophil count, markers of inflammation and hepcidin. I-FGF23 and hepcidin were not interrelated in linear regression analysis considering the presence of infection and CRP. Conclusions: Hepcidin increases while i-FGF23 decreases independent of hepcidin in acute infections in vivo. Reduced levels of i-FGF23 occur in acute infections due to increased proteolysis of FGF23 peptide and are not probably implicated in functional iron deficiency and anemia of inflammation. Further research is needed to clarify whether hepcidin could be used as a biomarker for bacterial infections as well as the role of hepcidin in bone metabolism during infectious diseases.
Language Greek
Subject Anemia of inflammation
Bacterial infection
Fuctional iron deficiency
Viral infection
Αναιμία της φλεγμονής
Βακτηριακή λοίμωξη
Βιταμίνη D
Ιογενής λοίμωξη
Λειτουργική σιδηροπενία
Issue date 2022-07-29
Collection   School/Department--School of Medicine--Department of Medicine--Post-graduate theses
  Type of Work--Post-graduate theses
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