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Identifier 000440853
Title Η αλληλεγγύη στη δωρεά οργάνων : περιπτώσεις δωρεάς από ζώντα δότη
Alternative Title Solidarity in organ donation : cases of living donation
Author Δρυγιανάκη, Ερμιόνη
Thesis advisor Κουκουζέλης Κωνσταντίνος
Reviewer Πετούση Βασιλική
Παπαδάκη Ελένη
Abstract The goal of the present dissertation was the investigation of the concept of solidarity in the context of organ donation and transplantation. The first part presents a historical background that includes the obstacles and key points in the transplantation progress, as well as the first successful transplants from living donors worldwide and domestically, but also the heights that the technological and biomedical progress has reached today. Furthermore, the lack of donated transplants is raised as a public health issue and the regulatory framework of organ donation and transplants is analyzed, as well as the Spanish Transplant System and the attitudes of Greeks towards organ donation. In the second part of the dissertation, a historical review of the concept of Solidarity is made, as well as an analysis of the ways this term is used in Bioethics. Solidarity is then distinguished from similar terms and its position is explored among the four fundamental values of Bioethics - autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, justice. Then, its characteristics are presented and an attempt is made to investigate whether solidarity can be approached normatively, which concludes that solidarity is a duty, albeit an imperfect one, meaning it is legally non-compulsory. Finally, suggestions of ways of addressing the transplant gap are made, such as widening the ways of living donation, using the example of unrelated donation, but also trying to educate and inform the public - something that the Greek National Transplant Organization has already implemented, with the aim of the establishment of a culture of solidaristic donation.
Language Greek
Subject Bioethics
Living donor
Normative approach of solidarity
Organ donation
Unrelated donation
Δωρεά οργάνων
Ζώντας δότης
Κανονιστική θεώρηση αλληλεγγύης
Μη-σχετιζόμενη δωρεά
Issue date 2021-04-10
Collection   School/Department--School of Philosophy--Department of Philosophy & Social Studies--Post-graduate theses
  Type of Work--Post-graduate theses
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