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Identifier 000423671
Title Ορολογικός έλεγχος συγγενών λοιμώξεων στην κύηση : γενικό νοσοκομείο Ρεθύμνου ,2017-2018
Alternative Title Screening for congenital infections in pregnancy
Author Αναγνωστάκη, Ισμήνη
Thesis advisor Δημητρίου, Ελένη
Reviewer Γαλανάκης, Εμμανουήλ
Παπαευαγγέλου, Βάνα
Abstract Introduction: Congenital infections are an important factor that contributes in fetal, neonatal and infant morbitity and mortality. The term TORCH, has historically been used to describe congenital infections as toxoplasmosis, syphillis, rubella, CMV and HSV infection, and everyday it is widening with new infections as for example varicella infection, parvovirus B19 infection, and infections that can vertically be transmitted such as HIV infection, hepatitis B and hepatitis C. The study of the seroepidemiology of forementioned infections at the population of pregnant women is necessary in order to estimate the risk of vertical transmission to the fetus and the adverse effects that these congenital infections can have to the neonates. This study can also help to the selection and implementation of the proper prevention strategies for the vertical transmission of infections at pregnancy. Methods: At the present research, we studied the demographic elements and the results of antenatal serology screening test for congenital infections that has been carried out in 807 pregnant women at the Department of Gynaecology-Obstestrical of Rethymno's General Hospital, in Crete, during the years 2017-2018. These data had been registered at Excel database and then descriptive procedure was followed with Vasaarstats. SPSS Statistics 23 was also used in order to reveal the correlation between the age and origin of the sample and the seropositivity of congenital infections that have been studied. Alongside, bibliographical review was carried out concerning congenital infections and their seroepidemiology. Results: High percentage antenatal screening for all congenital infections that were included was noted in this study (>95.17%). Important exception was the antenatal screening for syphilis that only 38.41% of pregnant women had participated. Seropositivity rates of IgG antibodies against CMV and Toxoplasma gondii was 73.08% (95% CI 69.8 – 76.1) and 20.6% (95% CI 17.8 – 23.61) respectively. The correlation of the origin and the age with Toxoplasma infection was statistically important (p=0.000, p=0.003 respectively). Concerning CMV infection, correlation with the origin was the only one that was statistically important (p=0.000) and only a correlation trend with the age (p=0.087) that wasn’t statistically important. Seropositivity rates for rubella infection ranged at 92.34% (95% CI 90.2 – 94) for the pregnant women who participated. Conclusion: The present study concluded that there is high percentage of women that gave birth at Gynaecology-Obstestrical Clinic of Rethymno's General Hospital who have antenatal serology screening for all congenital infections that was studied. Crucial exception of this observation was antenatal screening of syphilis. High seropositivity rates of IgG antibodies against CMV was observed. Respectively, these rates for IgG antibodies against Toxoplasma gondii were slightly decreased in comparison with previous recorded rates in studies at the same region. High rate of immunity against rubella was detected at the present study, which was lower than target rate for elimination of rubella
Language Greek
Subject Antenatal serology testing
Congenital infections
Λοιμώξεις στην κύηση
Προγεννητικός ορολογικός έλεγχος
Συγγενείς λοιμώξεις
Issue date 2019-07-17
Collection   School/Department--School of Medicine--Department of Medicine--Post-graduate theses
  Type of Work--Post-graduate theses
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