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Identifier 000454810
Title Η σχέση της καταχρηστικής εξουσίας του προϊσταμένου με τη χρήση ουσιών των υφιστάμενων για αυτοθεραπεία : μια πειραματική μελέτη
Alternative Title The relationship between supervisor's abusive behavior and subordinates' substance use for self-medication : an experimental study
Author Κατεφίδου, Νικολία
Thesis advisor Ζαμπετάκης Λεωνίδας
Reviewer Αρβανίτης Αλέξιος
Καραδήμας Ευάγγελος
Abstract To date a number of studies have confirmed the negative effects of abusive supervision not only on the employee’s performance but also on their health. The sustained exposure to abusive supervision appears to lead to psychological distress, and is associated with higher rates of emotional exhaustion and physical stress. The purpose of the present research was, to examine the relationship between the abusive supervision and the substance use (non-prescription drugs and alcohol) by subordinates for self-medication. More specifically, the aim was to determine whether abusive supervision influences on subordinates’ substance use and additionally to examine whether supervisory support has a moderating role in the relationship between abusive supervision and substance use. A variant of the vignette method and within-subjects research design was used, ensuring the ethical standards of the experimental design. 65% employees participated in the survey, of which 40 were women (61.5%) and 25 were men (38.5%) with an average age of 30.06 % years (SD=7.09). Multilevel regression analysis used for data analysis. According to the results, abusive supervision appeared to have a positive effect on subordinates’ substance use for self-medication while supervisory support had a negative effect on substance use. Furthermore, there was no found interaction between supervisory support and abusive supervision. The findings contribute to the investigation of the relationship between abusive supervision and subordinates’ substance use for self-medication in the greek area and highlight the need for future research and potential development of prevention programs aimed at supporting employees, training supervisors, preventing substance use and educating on effective coping strategies.
Language Greek
Subject Abusive supervision
Substance use
Supervisory support
Καταχρηστική εποπτεία
Υποστηρικτικότητα προϊσταμένων
Χρήση ουσιών
Issue date 2023
Collection   School/Department--School of Social Sciences--Department of Psychology--Post-graduate theses
  Type of Work--Post-graduate theses
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