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Identifier 000434242
Title Evaluation of embryonic neural stem cells (NSCs) growth and differentiation within scaffolds composed of graphene-based materials (GBM) combined with adipose decellularized extracellular matrix (adECM)
Alternative Title Αξιολόγηση ανάπτυξης και διαφοροποίησης νευρικών βλαστικών κυττάρων (NSCs) σε ικριώματα γραφενίου (GBM) και εξωκυτταρικής μήτρας από λιπώδη ιστό (adECM)
Author Μυλωνάκη, Κωνσταντίνα Ε.
Thesis advisor Χαραλαμπόπουλος, Ιωάννης
Reviewer Γραβάνης, Αχιλλέας
Στρατάκης, Εμμανουήλ
Abstract Spinal cord injury is a severely debilitating condition leading to neurological dysfunction, loss of independence, respiratory failure, psychological morbidities, and an increased lifelong disability. The injury triggers a complex cascade of pathological processes, culminating in formation of a scar. A bridging biomaterial construct that allows the axons to grow through has been studied for the repair of injured spinal cord. In the present study, two different compositions of adECM/GO scaffolds, seeded with neural stem cells were used. The results showed no cytotoxicity, and upregulated proliferation. Both compositions seem to favor NSCs differentiation towards OPCs, whereas one of them significantly increased differentiation into neurons. Collectively, these results suggest that adECM/GO scaffolds comprise a promising innovative treatment strategy for the injured spinal cord.
Language English
Issue date 2020-11-27
Collection   School/Department--School of Sciences and Engineering--Department of Biology--Post-graduate theses
  Type of Work--Post-graduate theses
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