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Identifier 000364891
Title Πολλαπλό μεταβολικό σύνδρομο στην προεφηβική και εφηβική ηλικία και σχέση με κεντρική παχυσαρκία
Alternative Title Multiple metabolic syndrome in pre -adolescents and adolescents and association with central obesity
Author Μπιτσώρη Μαρία
Thesis advisor Καφάτος, Αντώνιος
Reviewer Καλμαντή, Μαρία
Γαλανάκης, Εμμανουήλ
Abstract It has long been demonstrated that dyslipidaemia, hypertension, hyperinsulinaemia and central obesity tend to co‐exist in certain individuals. This co‐occurrence had been considered accidental though, as these conditions are all very common in adults. In 1988 it was first proposed that this risk factor clustering had a common underlying process, namely insulin resistance. The concept of a unique pathophysiological condition characterised by dyslipidaemia, obesity, hypertension and insulin resistance had a tremendous appeal and changed the way of studying and understanding cardiovascular diseases. Several terms have been used to describe this condition, among them “syndrome X”, “insulin resistance syndrome”, “deadly quartet”, “multiple metabolic syndrome”, “ dysmetabolic syndrome” and ,lastly, just “metabolic syndrome”. In the present study we preferred the term “multiple metabolic syndrome” (MMetSyn) feeling that it fits better to a condition of multiple abnormalities and is less confusing with other paediatric disorders. MMetSyn consists of abnormal glucose metabolism, dyslipidaemia, hypertension and obesity and several measures of these abnormalities have been used for its diagnosis. While a substantial debate exists over what other abnormalities should be included in the MMetSyn and which are the best measures of them, several definitions for its diagnosis have been proposed. The World Health Organisation (WHO) first developed its definition in 1998, US National Cholesterol Education Program III (NCEP III) followed in 2001 (with a most recent update in 2005) and most recently the International Diabetes Foundation (IDF) published its own proposal in 2005, with the NCEP III definition being the most widely used. According to the NCEP III definition the MMetSyn is present when 3 or more of the following 5 criteria are met: fasting glucose &γτ 100 mg/dL, blood pressure (BP) ΄&γτ 130/85 mm Hg, triglycerides (TG) ΄&γτ 150 mg/dL, high‐density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL‐C)΄&λλτ΄΄ 50 mg/dL (women) and &λλλλτ 40 mg/dL (men) and waist circumference (WC)΄&γγγτ΄΄ 102 cm (men) and&γγγγγγγγγγτ΄΄ 88cm Insulin resistance is considered by many investigators the main pathophysiologic event leading to the rest of the abnormalities of the MMetSyn, whereas others regard dysfunctional energy storage to be the fundamental issue. The former pathophysiologic explanation of events implies a disruption of intracellular insulin signalling resulting in promotion of the mitogenic and pro‐inflammatory effects of insulin, in detriment of its metabolic and anabolic effects. According to the supporters of the latter pathophysiologic theory, obesity is the key abnormality, which causes excess lipid accumulation. When the capacity of adipose tissue to store triglycerides and free fatty acids is exceeded, lipid infiltration of liver and muscles occurs, which further causes insulin resistance and the rest of the metabolic abnormalities of MMetSyn. Several theories have been developed concerning the aetiology of MMetSyn. According to the encocrine theory the MMetSyn has a central neuroendocrine origin and is a consequence of stress of contemporary way of life, which causes overproduction of cortisol and suppression of growth and sex hormones. The immunologic theory presumes that the MMetSyn is the result of chronic inflammation and it is the inflammatory mediators that cause insulin resistance and dyslipidaemia. This theory is supported by the elevated levels of c‐reactive protein (CRP) and pro‐inflammatory cytokines, such as interleukin‐6 (IL‐6) and tumor necrosis factor‐alpha (TNF‐α) that are found in many individuals with MMetSyn phenotype. A different aspect is given by theories supporting the foetal origin of MMetSyn, which are based on epidemiological studies relating MMetSyn with a history of intrauterine growth retardation and subsequent rapid, catch‐up growth. According to this view IUGR, a result of genetically determined dysfunction of insulin or insulin‐like growth factor‐I (IGF‐I) receptors, leads to pancreatic hypoplasia and reduced capacity of insulin production. Intrauterine stress causes further endocrine abnormalities, which promote insulin resistance. Thus, these babies are unable to adapt to the affluent nutritional environment after birth. All theories for the origins of MMetSyn incorporate the recent knowledge on the endocrine properties of adipose tissue and imply a genetic background, which remains to be defined. A relatively high prevalence of MMetSyn is a worldwide phenomenon. This prevalence appears to be increasing because of a parallel rise in the prevalence of obesity, which have reached epidemic dimensions in several countries even among the younger ages. The available evidence indicates that in most countries between 20% and 30% of the adult population can be characterised as having the MMetSyn, with small differences between USA, Europe, Japan and India. Even in developing countries of Latin America and Asia the prevalence of the MMetSyn is increasing. Race and gender differences have been reported with higher rates among white men and women of black or Hispanic origin. Extreme rates reaching 50% of the adult population have also been reported in certain populations, such as native Americans and inhabitants of Australia and New Zeeland of Pacific origin. During the last 2‐3 years some investigators have questioned the clinical utility of the MMetSyn. The claim is made that the primary clinical focus should remain on the individual metabolic risk factors and that aggregating them into a syndrome adds little to clinical management. In spite of these concerns it seems that clustering of risk factors is a real and relatively common phenomenon and increasing rates among children and adolescents call for greater emphasis on early recognition and prevention. Longitudinal studies have shown that obesity tends to persist over time. The probability of childhood obesity persisting into adulthood is estimated to increase from approximately 20% at 4 years of age to approximately 80% by adolescence. This persistence over time is also true for the rest of the cardiovascular risk factors and data mainly derived from the Bogalusa Heart Study showed that the clustering of risk factors, which constitute the dysmetabolic syndrome tracks also strongly from childhood to young adulthood. The follow‐up examination of individuals who were recruited as children and adolescents found the majority of subjects who were initially in the highest quartile of the multiple risk index to remain there 8 years later. The alarming increase of type 2 diabetes (T2D) among children and adolescents during the last decade suggests that MMetSyn can occur very early in life, in its full‐blown expression. Epidemiology Childhood, Adolescence In the face of the increasing rates of childhood obesity a simple method to identify subjects at risk for co‐morbidity among obese children would be extremely useful. While numerous epidemiological studies of the last decade suggest increasing rates of MMetSyn phenotype among obese children and adolescents, its definition in growing individuals is rather difficult. Many investigators have proposed definitions of MMetSyn for children and adolescents by modifications of the adults’ criteria, however there is no general agreement yet. Central more than overall obesity has been found to be associated with the cluster of abnormalities of MMetSyn in children and waist circumference (WC) as an indicator of intra‐abdominal fat accumulation has been proved a better predictor of cardiovascular risk factors than body mass index (BMI) in younger ages. However, there is no agreement on which WC cutoff points could divide children and adolescents at risk for the development of MMetSyn. The diversity in populations, settings and methodology used in different studies has led to diverse conclusions and proposals. Some authors have suggested the 90th age‐ and gender‐ specific WC percentile as a diagnostic cut‐off for MMetSyn in childhood whereas others the 75th. Moreover there is not much information about the association of diet and fitness with the MMetSyn phenotype at the younger ages. In this study we investigated the clinical relevance of WC in identifying adolescents with MMetSyn phenotype and adverse dietary and fitness patterns, within a school‐based healthy population of adolescents who participated in a program of assessment of cardiovascular risk factors and multidisciplinary intervention involving schoolchildren in the island of Crete. For this purpose, we divided in quartiles for WC the original cohort and compared the subjects of the extreme quartiles for the presence of cardiovascular risk factors, their clustering, insulin resistance and body fitness. The study participants are part of a cohort of schoolchildren who participated in a broader program of assessment of cardiovascular risk factors among schoolchildren, which started in 1992 under the responsibility of the Department of Social Medicine, Division of Preventive Medicine and Nutrition of the School of Medicine of the University of Crete and included 1046 firstgraders, aged 5.5‐6.5 years old, attending 40 randomly selected primary schools PRESENT STUDY Introduction Purpose Population in three different prefectures of the island of Crete. The original cohort was divided in intervention (602 subjects) and control (444 subjects) groups and representative samples of both groups were re‐evaluated during 1994‐1995 at age 8.5‐9.5 years (461 children), during 1997‐1998 at age 11.5‐12.5 years (831 children) and during 2001‐2002 at age 14.5‐15.5 years (634 children). The program had the approval of the Institutional Ethics Committee of the University of Crete and the Greek Ministry of Education. The families participated in the study were contacted by informative letters about the study purposes and procedures together with consent forms sent at least 2 weeks before the examination dates. For all study participants signed consent forms by parents or guardians were obtained. Verbal assent from children was also necessary for participation. The examinations took place in schools between 8.30 am and 13.00 pm and the children were evaluated in a 12‐hour fasting state, with clinical examination and measurement of blood pressure, anthropometric values, blood sampling, fitness tests and questionnaires. The population of the present study was part of the original cohort and included adolescents who took part in both the 1997‐1998 and the 2001‐2002 examinations, had blood tests available, belonged in extreme quartiles (&γγτ75th and ΄&λλλλλτ25th) of WC measurements at 12‐year‐old examination and remained in the same quartiles at 15‐year‐old re‐evaluation. The record of each study participant included anthropometric measurements, physical examination findings, including Tanner stage, blood glucose, lipids and insulin levels and calculation of homeostatic model assessment index (HOMA‐IR) and dietary data. The records of the 15‐year‐old examination were used in the present analysis. Body weight and height were measured with subjects being without shoes, on underwear and WC was measured at the umbilical level. BMI was calculated as weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters. Blood pressure (BP) was measured with the use of mercury sphygmomanometers and appropriate size cuffs, with children in the sitting position and the average of three measurements was recorded and included in the analysis. Blood samples were maintained in ice‐containing tank packs until their transfer to the Nutritional Research Laboratory of the Department of Social Medicine, University of Crete, where blood glucose, triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol (TC), high‐density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL‐C), low‐density lipoprotein Methods cholesterol (LDL‐C) and insulin were measured. HOMA‐IR was calculated with the previously reported equation (fasting insulin x fasting glucose)/22.5. Cardiorespiratory fitness was estimated according to children’s performance on the Endurance 20 m shuttle Run Test (ERT). Dietary data were assessed by questionnaires regarding weekly food frequency consumption and 24h recall technique of last weekday. The foods were coded and analysed using the University of Crete’s computerised “Greek Diet” food database. Metabolic syndrome was defined as ΄&γγγγγγτ 3 of the criteria proposed for the diagnosis of MMetSyn in children and adolescents by modification of the most recently proposed criteria for the diagnosis of MMetSyn in adults by NCEP, ATP III. Insulin resistance was assessed by fasting hyperinsulinaemia and high HOMA‐IR. Adequate cardiorespiratory fitness was defined as ERT ΄&γγτ50th percentile for age and gender. Data were analysed with the SPSS statistical software package SPSS 14.0. Statistical differences in numerical values between the two groups of WC were assessed with Student t test and the chi square test was used to compare proportions. Risk estimation for adolescents in the highest WC quartile was assessed by logistic regression analysis and determination of odds ratio for each risk factor and age, gender and original categorization in intervention and control groups, as covariates. P values ΄&λτ 0.05 were considered statistically significant. According to the inclusion criteria, 207 adolescents were selected, 105 of which belonged in the highest WC quartile (΄&γτ75th percentile) and 102 in the lowest (΄&λτ25th percentile) WC quartile. The two groups did not differ in age or gender distribution. Adolescents with WC ΄&γτ75th percentile presented with significantly higher fasting insulin (17±0.9 vs 9.1±1.0 μIU/mL), triglycerides (78.0±3.4 vs 62.3±3.3 mg/dL), LDL‐cholesterol (106.8±2.8 vs 96.1±2.8 mg/dL), homeostasis model assessment index (HOMA‐IR) (3.29±1.8 vs 1.81+0.2), systolic blood pressure (125.6±1.1 vs 116.0±1.1 mm Hg ), and diastolic blood pressure (78.0±0.9 vs 71.5±0.9 mm Hg) and significantly lower HDL‐cholesterol (46.2±1.2 vs 53.4±1.1 mg/dL) and physical fitness as compared to their peers with WC ΄&λτ25th percentlile. Clustering of 3 CVD factors pointing to a full MMetSyn phenotype was found for 13.5% of the 15‐year‐olds with WC ΄&γγγγγγγγτ75th percentile, whereas most students with WC΄&λλτ΄΄ 25th percentile had no risk factors at all. Among the criteria of MMetSyn, the risk was highest for hypertriglyceridaemia Results (odds ratio 6.12, p= 0.006) and high blood pressure (odds ratio 4.05, p= 0,001). Although the risk for increased fasting blood glucose was not high, adolescents with WC&γγγγτ 75th percentile had considerably higher risk for elevated fasting insulin levels and high HOMA‐IR. The possibility of adequate cardiorespiratory fitness (ERT ΄&γτ 50th percentile) was only 0.15. The analysis of dietary data revealed significantly higher daily energy intake by the adolescents in the lowest quartile of WC and no significant differences between the two groups in macronutrients, fiber, calcium and iron intake. In this study we demonstrated that WC, a simple anthropometric measurement very easily available in clinical practice, can effectively identify adolescents with increased possibility for clustering of cardiovascular risk factors. Moreover a considerable proportion of adolescents with WC ΄&γτ 75th percentile for age and gender has already the characteristics of the full‐blown expression of the MMetSyn. WC has been successfully tested as such a tool in a number of studies in children, most of which were either curried out in clinical settings or included paediatric populations of wide age arrays. We have tested WC in a more homogeneous, school‐based population of adolescents who have nearly completed their pubertal development, and our findings suggest that WC should be included in the diagnostic criteria of MMetSyn in young age. However, the WC cut‐off which could better identify subjects at risk at the younger ages should be further investigated. The prevalence of MMetSyn among the adolescent participants of our study with WC > 75th percentile was within the lower rates of MetS that have been reported for overweight/obese children and adolescents, in accordance with results from analogous studies in European countries. Higher rates of MMetSyn among general populations of overweight/obese children and adolescents, ranging from 20‐50% have been reported mostly in the USA. These extreme rates have recently been questioned and concerns were raised whether they reflect reality or express a statistical overestimation, explained by the different criteria of MMetSyn used, the wide age range and the different ethnicities of participants. In accordance with previous studies, our results confirm that high fasting glucose levels is the least common component of MMetSyn in children and adolescents. Discussion Other indexes of impaired glucose metabolism such as fasting insulin or HOMA‐IR reflect better the status of insulin resistance, which characterizes the MMetSyn phenotype, in younger ages. The broad use of these important indexes however is limited by the scarcity of data for childhood. The significantly lower performance of adolescents with WC΄&γτ 75th percentile on the ERT cardiorespiratory fitness test reflects reduced physical activity levels, which is in agreement with other studies. In the analysis of dietary data we found that children with WC ΄&γτ 75th percentile are surprisingly presented with lower daily energy consumption. Because only a self‐reported recall technique was used for dietary assessment we cannot exclude underreporting, which is a common problem of this method of dietary recording. In conclusion, the results of this study suggest that WC ΄&γτ 75th percentile for age and gender can successfully identify less active adolescents with increased cardiovascular risk and MMetSyn phenotype. However normative reference WC data need to be collected. Fasting insulin and HOMA‐IR are better indexes of insulin resistance than fasting glucose in the younger ages and should probably be included in the diagnostic criteria of MetS in children and adolescents. More objective methods than self‐reporting are necessary for evaluating the association of MMetSyn phenotype and dietary data in young ages.
Language Greek
Subject Adolescents
Cardiorespiratory fitness
Central obesity
Metabolic Disease
Multiple metabolic syndrome
Waist circumference
Καρδιοαναπνευστική αντοχή
Κεντρική παχυσαρκία
Περίμετρος μέσης
Πολλαπλό μεταβολικό σύνδρομο
Issue date 2009-12-14
Collection   School/Department--School of Medicine--Department of Medicine--Doctoral theses
  Type of Work--Doctoral theses
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