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Identifier 000434151
Title Η επιφάνεια στον ποιητικό υπερρεαλιστικό λόγο του Ανδρέα Εμπειρίκου
Alternative Title Epiphany in the surrealist poetic work of Andreas Empiricos
Author Ψαροπούλου, Αθηνά
Select a value Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης.
Reviewer Δημητρακάκης Ιωάννης
Καγιαλής Παναγιώτης
Βογιατζόγλου Αθηνά
Κατσιγιάννη Άννα
Λέτσιος Βασίλης
Νάτσινα Αναστασία
Abstract The aim of this thesis is to trace the typology and examine the significance and function of literary epiphany in the surrealist poetic work of Andreas Embiricos (1901-1975). We use the term epiphany, which is associated with James Joyce’s early aesthetic and related to the romantic moment of intuition and illumination, to denote the moment of a new, sudden, unexpected, intuitive perception of reality by the textual subject –and consequently the reader–, accompanied by a sense of transcendence of place and time, the abolishment of their limits and a reconciliation of the contraries. The dissertation consists of three parts. The first part examines the concept of literary epiphany. It discusses the various attributes attached to epiphany from modernism to romanticism, presents its historical background, with references to the ancient Greek and Judeo-Christian tradition of divine revelation, and its theoretical basis, which involves the social and spiritual environment that gave birth to the literary epiphanic mode. Furthermore, the first part presents the criteria and typology of the literary epiphany, according to modern epiphanists. To those typological categories, I have added three new ones, based on the examination of the poetic work of Andreas Embiricos, in an attempt to trace a typological scheme, which is used in the second part. Towards the end of the first part, literary epiphany is examined from the angle of the affinities shared between surrealism and romanticism. I argue that surrealist epiphany is related to romantic epiphany, or rather originates from it, although it mostly has its own special character. The second part traces and examines the typology of epiphany in the surrealist poetic work of Andreas Embiricos, through analysis and interpretation of a large number of his texts (poems, prose poems and poetic narratives), in an effort to show that the literary epiphanic mode occupies a significant place in his work and becomes a dominant poetics with specific features, the poetics of epiphany. Based on the typological scheme of the first part, the “epiphanies of being” (“adelonic epiphanies”, “proleptic epiphanies”, “visionary epiphanies” and “foresighted epiphanies”) are first interpreted and then the “framing epiphanies”. The second part closes with a special case, the interpretation of an epiphany and meta-epiphany, through which Embiricos justifies poetically the potentially visionary poetry of Kostas Kariotakis. The third part examines the significance and function of epiphany in the poetic work of Andreas Embiricos. Specifically, it explores the relation between Embiricos’ epiphanic mode and the key concepts of surrealism: love, the marvellous, objective chance, event-poem, dream, myth, black humor, paranoiac-critical method of Dali. Finally, it discusses the connection of Embiricos’ epiphany, as an intersubjective experience, with the fundamental features of literary epiphany, the beautiful and the sublime. Thus, it is illustrated that Embiricos’ epiphanic mode is connected with his surrealist poetics and forms an integral part of his diverse surrealist poetic universe that reveals surreality.
Language Greek
Subject Epiphany
Vital-poetic energy
Ζωτική-ποιητική ενέργεια
Issue date 2020
Collection   School/Department--School of Philosophy--Department of Philology--Doctoral theses
  Type of Work--Doctoral theses
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