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Identifier 000426390
Title Δημογραφική ιστορία του είδους Salvia fruticosa Mill. στην Κρήτη σε ένα οικολογικό πλαίσιο βασισμένη σε γενωμικά δεδομένα
Alternative Title Demographic history of Salvia fruticosa Crete based on genomic data within an ecological context
Author Γρηγοριάδου Ζορμπά, Ουρανία
Thesis advisor Πυρίντσος, Στέργιος
Reviewer Σαρρής, Παναγιώτης
Κοτζαμπάσης, Κυριάκος
Abstract Background: The research interest for the species Salvia fruticosa is related to the biological activity of its constituents in various biological systems, as well as to the economic value of the species due to its use as bulk material for the production of compounds that exhibit a high value for the food and drug industry. The study of the genetic environmental and epigenetic characteristics of the species and their spatial differentiation are a priority because they determine the biological variability of the active ingredients isolated from it. The demographic history of the species and its role in shaping spatial diversification of the species has been largely neglected, and here the filling of this gap is attempted. Target: Here, the reveal of the demographic history of Salvia fruticosa in Crete, based on genomic data, within an ecological context is attempted. Methodology: The genomic data of Crete for this species were made available by the Laboratory of Plant Ecology and Terrestrial Ecosystems Management exclusively for the implementation of this master thesis.They involved single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) resulting from genome analysis with Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT), an open-source microarray software platform.The Diffusion Approximation for Demographic Inference has been used for data processing, utilizing the dadi package through the Python programming language. Maximum entropy models using WorldClim bioclimatic data were used for spatial analysis of this species and future projections for 2050 based on a specific climate scenario were used. Results: Of the one-dimensional models tested, it turned out that the growth model that predicts an exponential growth that starts some time ago was the most eligible based on model evaluation criteria. From the two-dimensional models tested, there was convergence in the Secondary contact model with symmetric migration that predicts separation with no gene flow, followed by secondary communication with symmetric migration. It also emerged that the two groups of populations whose demographic history was studied differ in their projected future distribution based on a specific climate change scenario. Conclusions: The genomic differentiation of populations of Salvia fruticosa species in Crete, which has no adaptive character, seems to be related to the demographic history of the populations. Also, this diversification, despite its non-adaptive character, relates to the projected responses of populations to climate change scenarios, which gives rise to expectations of a) future exploration of the role that demographic histories of populations may play in responding to climate change and b) to identify specific polymorphisms that are likely to be involved in species responses to climate change.
Language Greek
Subject DADI
Μονονουκλεοτιδικοί Πολυμορφισμοί
Issue date 2019-11-29
Collection   School/Department--School of Sciences and Engineering--Department of Biology--Post-graduate theses
  Type of Work--Post-graduate theses
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