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Search command: Author="Τσακαλίδης"  And Author="Παναγιώτης"
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  Title Creator Date  
7. Tensor learning for high-dimensional signal acquisition and analysis Αϊδίνη, Αναστασία Ν.
2023-07-21 Add to Basket
8. Tensor signal modeling for high-dimensional deep learning systems Γιαννόπουλος, Μιχαήλ Ν.
2023-07-21 Add to Basket
9. The ARgus designer: an XR evaluation tool for ubiquitous applications in intelligent environments Στεφανίδη, Ελένη Κ.
2022-12-02 Add to Basket
10. Neural networks for the quality and intelligibility enhancement of speech PV, Muhammed Shifas I.
2022-12-02 Add to Basket
11. Graph signal processing and recurrence quantification techniques for the analysis of biomedical signal ensembles Πεντάρη, Αναστασία Β.
2022-07-29 Add to Basket
12. Forecasting land-atmosphere boundary temperatures using deep neural networks at regional scales over long temporal periods Σουκαράς, Αθανάσιος
2022-07-22 Add to Basket
13. Real-time optimization of Context-Aware Adaptive User Interfaces, for Enhanced Situational Awarenes Στεφανίδη, Ζηνοβία Κ.
2021-11-26 Add to Basket
14. Exploitation of noisy automatic data annotation for CNN training and its application to hand posture classification Λυδάκης, Γεώργιος Ε.
2021-07-30 Add to Basket
15. Flood mapping via satellite remote sensing and artificial intelligence Δρακωνάκης, Γεώργιος Ι.
2021-07-30 Add to Basket
16. On the use of neural networks and dilation for speech enhancement in a Generative Adversarial Network environment Μπακαγιάννης, Λεωνίδας
2021-03-26 Add to Basket
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