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332. Bladefs: Design and Implementation of a kernel level file system for scalable storage servers Χασάπης, Κων/νος Παύλος
2012 Add to Basket
333. Context-Aware Multimedia Content Adaptation Framework Τρουλλινού, Γεωργία Σπυρίδων
2012 Add to Basket
334. Design and Implementation of a tool for formulating recall-oriented structured queries on semantic networks Τζομπανάκη, Αικατερίνη Ιωάννης
2012 Add to Basket
335. Efficient and Accurate Block-Level Dependence Analysis For Task Dataflow Models Παπατριανταφύλλου, Άγγελος Ιωάννης
2012 Add to Basket
336. HWSC - A Tool for Web Services Composition Τζαγκαράκης, Χαράλαμπος Εμμανουήλ
2012 Add to Basket
337. Implementing an architecture for effecient network traffic processing on modern graphics hardware Κορομηλάς, Λάζαρος Ευάγγελος
2012 Add to Basket
338. Indexes and Algorithms for Scalable and Flexible Instant Overview Search Φαφαλιός, Παύλος Μάρκος
2012 Add to Basket
339. Large scale nonmonotonic reasoning Ταχμαζίδης, Ηλίας Γεώργιος
2012 Add to Basket
340. A Methodological Framework for Statistical Analysis of Text from Social Media Κλεισαρχάκη, Σοφία Ιωάννης
2012 Add to Basket
341. MyWebAccess: A platform for repairing, enchasing and re-distributing Web Services accessible to people with disability Μπουλουκάκης, Γεώργιος Ιωάννης
2012 Add to Basket
342. Performance Issues of Network - Level Cooperation with Multiple - Relays Παπαδημητρίου, Γεώργιος Απόστολος
2012 Add to Basket
343. A real-time semantics-aware activity recognition system Ευθυμίου, Βασίλειος Παναγιώτης
2012 Add to Basket
344. Rise of the Planet of the Apps: A Systematic Study of the Mobile App Ecosystem Πέτσας, Αθανάσιος Γεώργιος
2012 Add to Basket
345. TimeTunnel: Modeling and Interactive Information Visualization Using Three Dimensional Timelines Δρόσης, Ιωάννης Στυλιανός
2012 Add to Basket
346. Multi-Agent Distributed Epistemic Reasoning in Ambient Intelligence Environments Χατζηβασίλης, Γεώργιος Βασίλειος
2011-12-16 Add to Basket
347. Analysis and Visualization of Metabolic Networks: A Hypergraph Approach Μανιαδή, Ευαγγελία Μηνάς
2011-11-18 Add to Basket
348. Applying Service Oriented Architecture Techniques to facilitate RosettaNet-Driven Business Interactions Παπαθανασίου, Ευάγγελος Γεώργιος
2011-11-18 Add to Basket
349. Combining Static and Dynamic Analysis for the Detection of Malicious Documents Τζερμιάς, Ζαχαρίας Ιωάννης
2011-11-18 Add to Basket
350. Design and Implementation of a Scalable Storage System for Fully-Consistent Replicated Data Logging Σαλούστρος, Γεώργιος Εμμανουήλ
2011-11-18 Add to Basket
351. Designing, Implementing and Executing Choreographies and Orchestrations Over a BPMN 2 Engine Δημητρίου, Μιχαήλ Ιωάννης
2011-11-18 Add to Basket
352. The Development of Applications for Smart-phones and their Performance Analysis using Empirical Measurements Μακρογιαννάκης, Αντώνιος Γεώργιος
2011-11-18 Add to Basket
353. Heuristic Optimization of SPARQL queries over Column-Store DBMS Αναγνωστόπουλος-Τσιαλιαμάνης, Πέτρος Βασίλειος
2011-11-18 Add to Basket
354. KD2R : a Key Discovery method for semantic Reference Reconciliation in OWL Συμεωνίδου, Δανάη Κων/νος
2011-11-18 Add to Basket
355. A new Invariant Image Descriptor for Indexing and Recognition : First Results Μαυρίδου, Ευανθία Παναγιώτης
2011-11-18 Add to Basket
356. Piggymon: Using Snort IDS for IP Traffic Classification and Throughput Monitoring Πολιτόπουλος, Πέτρος-Ιωάννης Κων/νος
2011-11-18 Add to Basket
357. Compact Archiving of Multiple (possibly Versioned) RDF/S Triple Sets Ψαράκη, Μαρία-Γεωργία Ευτύχιος
2011-07-15 Add to Basket
358. Design and Implementation of a Directory based Cache Coherence Protocol Τσαλιαγκός, Δημήτριος Μιχαήλ
2011-07-15 Add to Basket
359. Detecting and Defending Against Fraud in the Underground Economy Ζάρρας, Απόστολος Νικόλαος
2011-07-15 Add to Basket
360. Dynamic Dependence Analysis on Multi-core Processors Κεσαπίδης, Ιωάννης Παναγιώτης
2011-07-15 Add to Basket
361. Empirical-based Measurements and Analysis of Positioning Systems for Mobile Computing Applications Παπακωνσταντίνου, Άρτεμις Απόστολος
2011-07-15 Add to Basket
362. Estimation and control of the False Discovery Rate in Bayesian Network Skeleton Identification, with Application to Biological Data Αρμέν, Αγγελος Πασχάλης
2011-07-15 Add to Basket
363. GPU-Powered Multi-Camera 3D Reconstruction Based on Optimized Foreground Detection Τζεβανίδης, Κωνσταντίνος Στέφανος
2011-07-15 Add to Basket
364. An Information – theoretic view of Game theory Φασουλάκης, Μιχαήλ Ιωάννης
2011-07-15 Add to Basket
365. Interactive Exploration of Fuzzy RDF Knowledge Bases Μανώλης, Νίκος Ευθύμιος
2011-07-15 Add to Basket
366. A Lightweight Censorship-Resistant Web Access Architecture Κονταξής, Γεώργιος Στυλιανός
2011-07-15 Add to Basket
367. Low-dimensional Signal-Strength Fingerprint-based Positioning in Wireless LANs Μηλιώρης, Δημήτριος Σπυρίδωνας
2011-07-15 Add to Basket
368. Transient Detection and Tempo Estimation in Polyphonic Music Signals Τρύφου, Γεωργία Σπυρίδων
2011-07-15 Add to Basket
369. Trawling the Deep Web Γκέσιου, Ελένη Αθανάσιος
2011-07-15 Add to Basket
370. XRP: A System for Annotating XML Documents Ζαμπετάκης, Σταμάτιος Γεώργιος
2011-07-15 Add to Basket
371. Αλληλεπιδραστικοί γράφοι αντικειμένων για εκσφαλματωτές με βελτιωμένες δυνατότητες οπτικοποίησης, επιθεώρησης και προσαρμογής Κουτσόπουλος, Νικόλαος Χρήστος
2011-07-15 Add to Basket
372. Aml Game Floor : A Multimodal Ambient Intelligence Environment for playful learning Παπαγιαννάκης, Χαρίδημος Δημήτριος
2011-03-18 Add to Basket
373. Analyzing Service Networks from different perspectives using the Service Network Analysis & Prediction Tool (SNAPT) Στρατάκης, Γεώργιος Σταύρος
2011-03-18 Add to Basket
374. Creation and development of an eGovernment services framework through social networking platforms Γογγολίδης, Ευάγγελος Γεώργιος
2011-03-18 Add to Basket
375. Design and development of a platform for the management and collaborative identification of co-reference on digital resources Μελεσανάκης, Βαλάντης Σπυρίδων.
2011-03-18 Add to Basket
376. Design and Evaluation of Solid-Stade Drive (SSD) Caches to Improve Storage I/O Perfomanceusing Κλωνάτος, Ιωάννης
2011-03-18 Add to Basket
377. Managing the Specificity of Ontological Descriptions under Ontology Evolution. Καμπουράκη, Μαίρη Γεώργιος
2011-03-18 Add to Basket
378. Personalizing Declarative Repairing Policies for Curated KBs Ρουσσάκης, Ιωάννης Εμμανουήλ
2011-03-18 Add to Basket
379. Simulating Value Networks in a competitive world using Vensim tool and suggesting competition strategies Τσικρικάς, Κωνσταντίνος Ανδρέας
2011-03-18 Add to Basket
380. Subscription Indexes for Web Syndication Systems Κουρδουνάκης, Χαράλαμπος Τσαμπίκος
2011-03-18 Add to Basket
381. Ενα εργαλείο για ηλεκτρονική μάθηση βασισμένο σε τεχνικές συλλογισμού Φιλιοπούλου, Ειρήνη Αλέξανδρος
2011-03-18 Add to Basket
382. Κατανεμημένο σύστημα αναιρέσιμης συλλογιστικής για κινητές συσκευές σε περιβάλλοντα διάχυτης νοημοσύνης Παπαθεοδώρου, Κωνσταντίνος Θεόδωρου
2011-03-18 Add to Basket
383. An Authorization Language in Ambient Intelligence Environments Γενιτσαρίδη, Ειρήνη Κωνσταντίνος
2011 Add to Basket
384. Development and Experimental Evaluation of an Ontology to Ontology Schema & Instance Matching System Δασκαλάκη, Ευαγγελία Στυλιανός
2011 Add to Basket
385. On jamming Attack in Wireless Networks: A Game Theoretical Analysis Λούτου, Σοφία Παναγιώτης
2011 Add to Basket
386. Using Constraint Optimization for Conflict Resolution and Detail Control in Activity Recognition Φιλιππάκη, Χρυσή Χαράλαμπος
2011 Add to Basket
387. Classmate : classroom multifunction augmented technology environment Λεωνίδης, Αστέριος Δ
2010-11-19 Add to Basket
388. A comparative analysis of the perceived quality of VoIP under variouus wireless network conditions Τσομπανίδης, Ηλίας
2010-11-19 Add to Basket
389. Compressive sensing in magnetic resonance imaging Εμμανουηλίδου, Δήμητρα Στέφανου
2010-11-19 Add to Basket
390. Computer supported collaborative factual argumentation and conflict resolution Μπούτσικα, Κατερίνα Κων/νου
2010-11-19 Add to Basket
391. Fast least-squares solution for harmonic and sinusoidal models Τζεδάκης, Γεώργιος Ιωάννη
2010-11-19 Add to Basket
392. Glottal source analysis : a combinatory study using high-speed videoendoscopy and electroglottogrpahy Καρακόζογλου, Σεβαστή-Ζωή
2010-11-19 Add to Basket
393. Image-guided brachytherapy robot Αρετοπούλου, Δέσποινα Δημητρίου
2010-11-19 Add to Basket
394. Locality management in task-based parallel programming models Κούκος, Κωνσταντίνος Ιωάννη
2010-11-19 Add to Basket
395. On speaker interpolation and speech conversion for parallel corpora Γρέκας, Γεώργιος Αντωνίου
2010-11-19 Add to Basket
396. On the inverse filtering of speech Καφεντζής, Γεώργιος Παναγιώτη
2010-11-19 Add to Basket
397. PUPIL : pervasive UI development for the ambient classroom Κορόζη, Μαρία Κωνσταντίνου
2010-11-19 Add to Basket
398. RaJa : cross-site scripting detection and prevention using source randomization Κριθινάκης, Αντώνιος Εμ.
2010-11-19 Add to Basket
399. Real time voice pathology detection using autocorrelation pitch estimation and short time Jitter estimator Αστρινάκη, Μαρία Ιωάννη
2010-11-19 Add to Basket
400. Text-independent speaker identification using sparsely excited speech signals and compressed sensing Καραμιχάλη, Ελένη Ηλία
2010-11-19 Add to Basket
401. Towards a universal service network-centric framework to design, implement and monitor services in complex service ecosystems : the service network analysis & prediction tool (SNAPT) Πετρίδης, Παντελής Αλεξάνδρου
2010-11-19 Add to Basket
402. Visual object tracking and segmentation in a closed loop Παπουτσάκης, Κωνσταντίνος Ε
2010-11-19 Add to Basket
403. Voice tremor detection using adaptive quasi-harmonic model Κουτσογιαννάκη, Μαρία Χαραλάμπους
2010-11-19 Add to Basket
404. Κυκλοϊσομερισμοί ενυνίων καταλυόμενοι απο νανοσωματίδια Au/TiO2 Εφέ, Χριστίνα Α
2010-11-19 Add to Basket
405. Conceptual modeling and tools for digital preservation Μαρκετάκης, Ιωάννης
2010-07-16 Add to Basket
406. DARC : design and evaluation of an I/O controller for data protection Φουντουλάκης, Μάρκος
2010-07-16 Add to Basket
407. Design and evaluation of a task-based parallel H.264 video encoder for the Cell processor Αλβάνος, Μιχαήλ Νικολάου
2010-07-16 Add to Basket
408. Determining glottal closure and opening instants in speech Λιονουδάκη, Χριστίνα Αλεξάνδρα
2010-07-16 Add to Basket
409. Development of a smart office application to support multiuser collaboration using ambient intelligence technologies Τουρλάκης, Παναγιώτης
2010-07-16 Add to Basket
410. A digital rights management system based on semantic rules Λιναρδάκης, Γεώργιος Δ
2010-07-16 Add to Basket
411. Robust prevention of Dial attacks Καπραβέλος, Αλέξανδρος
2010-07-16 Add to Basket
412. Runtime support for programming explicit communication chip multiprocessors Ζαμπετάκης, Μιχαήλ
2010-07-16 Add to Basket
413. Scalable storage support and fault-tolerance for data stream processing systems Σεμπέπου, Ζωή Ιωάννη
2010-07-16 Add to Basket
414. Simulation and optimization of value in Service Networks Βοσκάκης, Εμμανουήλ
2010-07-16 Add to Basket
415. Software implementation of MPI primitives in multicore FPGA Κατσαμάνη, Μαρία Χαραλάμπους
2010-07-16 Add to Basket
416. A value network for the banking sector : business models for the mortgage service system Κουλεντάκη, Μαρία Ν
2010-07-16 Add to Basket
417. Κατασκευή βιβλιοθήκης σχεδιαστικών προτύπων για την υποστήριξη δημιουργίας προσβάσιμου διαδικτυακού περιεχομένου Γαλανάκης, Κωνσταντίνος
2010-07-16 Add to Basket
418. Προσβάσιμες υπηρεσίες συνεργατικής κατασκευής προσβάσιμου περιεχομένου Κουράτορας, Κωνσταντίνος
2010-07-16 Add to Basket
419. Biomechanical 3D simulation of the invagination processs Λόντος, Αθανάσιος Χ
2010-06-21 Add to Basket
420. Efficient faceted exploration services for big volumes of Information Αρμενατζόγλου, Νικόλαος Α.
2010-03-26 Add to Basket
421. Towards standards based e-Learning tools and technologies Τεσσέρης, Γεώργιος
2010-03-08 Add to Basket
422. A byzantine music framework using semantics and collaborative filtering recommendations Ρανούτσου, Ελευθερία
2010-03-05 Add to Basket
423. A framework for opportunistic routing in wireless multi-hop networks Γκαζώνη, Νίκη
2010-03-02 Add to Basket
424. Utility-based channel assignment and topology control in wireless mesh networks Διονυσίου, Θεόδωρος Χ
2010-03-02 Add to Basket
425. Cooperation incentives for wireless network operators Φαφούτης, Ξενοφών
2010-02-24 Add to Basket
426. ZBD : using transparent compression at the block level to increase storage space efficiency Μακατός, Αθανάσιος
2010-02-18 Add to Basket
427. Set cover-based results caching for best match retrieval models Παπαδάκης, Μύρων Εμμ.
2010-02-01 Add to Basket
428. Learning causal structure from overlapping variable sets Τριανταφύλλου, Σοφία
2010-01-18 Add to Basket
429. A framework for federated search in digital libraries and learning object repositories providing unified formatted objects delivery (SCORM 2004) Ψυχαράκη, Αγγελική
2009-12-09 Add to Basket
430. Detecting deterministically high-level changes for RDF/S knowlefge bases Παπαβασιλείου, Βασιλική
2009-12-04 Add to Basket
431. Antisocial networks : turning a social network into an attack platform Μακριδάκης, Ανδρέας Ηλία
2009-11-10 Add to Basket
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