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E-Locus - Institutional Repository of the University of Crete - Browse

Home    Search    Browse  


General information

The Search terms are words:

  • in Greek or/and in Latin alphabet
  • with or without accentuation (for Greek)
  • that can be truncated in the beginning and/or in the end


Truncation is useful when you don't know the exact match of a word.

Depending on the case you may use the characters * or ? at the left, both right and left or in the right side of a string so that a word:

Starts with an arbitrary character before the known part of the word string e.g..*ovinescu or ?ovinescu

Starts with the same stem   e.g. Lovinesc* or Lovinesc? but it ends with an arbitrary character/s


Starts and ends with arbitrary characters (* or ?), which means that we know the middle part of the word, e.g. *ovin* or ?ovin* or even *ovin? or ?ovin?


Simple Search

Simple Search is actually a global search (in all the catalogs) applicable in all fields of a record and in all-available local catalogues.

To make a Simple Search:

You enter the text or the word you want to search.

Advanced Search

Advanced Search allows you to make a search in the catalogue using one or more fields in your search query.

Search Fields

Type of Connection between the fields

Extra parameters

For example:

Search Fields

The various fields of the dropdown box can help the improvement of a search request. Each entry in the dropdown list is linked to a certain field of the bibliographic record:


Everywhere in the bibliographic record.


The term of relation means any information that concers another resource and lies inside the bibliographic record (e.g. Cypriots in Britain. An Annotated Bibliography)

Publisher name

Inside the elements of publisher (e.g.Diaspora Books for the Greek Language Research Group)


In the elements of the title of a record (e.g. Lexikon)


Coverage means the information that concern the place, the time period and/or the date that relates to the conceptual content of a record (e.g. Greece)


Within the Notes that go with the record (e.g. Paged continuously.)

Publisher name????

Mέσα στα στοιχεία του Τοποθεσίας (π.χ.)

Publisher place

Inside the elements of Publisher Place, the place where it was published the original record (e.g. Paris)

Object description

Mέσα στα στοιχεία της Περιγραφής Αντικειμένου δηλαδή του εννοιολογικού περιεχομένου ή του σκοπού της πηγής.

Content description

Mέσα στα στοιχεία της Περιγραφής Περιεχομένου (π.χ.Πίνακας μεταφράσεων του Βολταίρου)


Mέσα στα στοιχεία του Δημιουργού δηλαδή του ατόμου, του παράγοντα ή του ιδρύματος πρώτιστα αρμόδια για τη δημιουργία του εννοιολογικού περιεχομένου του πόρου. (π.χ.ΠΑΠΑΚΩΣΤΑ ΧΡΙΣΤΙΝΑ)


Mέσα στα στοιχεία της Ταξινόμησης (π.χ. Z2304.I7)


Mέσα στα στοιχεία του Συγγραφέα (π.χ. Lovinescu)

Date of publication

Mέσα στα στοιχεία της Ημερομηνίας Έκδοσης (π.χ.1870)

Date of creation

Mέσα στα στοιχεία της Ημερομηνίας Δημιουργίας της αρχικής εγγραφής (π.χ.1600)

Date of digitization

Mέσα στα στοιχεία της Ημερομηνίας Ψηφιοποίησης (π.χ.2006 02 07)


Contributor is the person, Πρόκειται για το πρόσωπο, την αντιπροσωπεία, ή την οργάνωση πρώτιστα αρμόδια για τη δημιουργία του διανοητικού περιεχομένου της εγγραφής. (π.χ.ΚΡΟΚΙΔΑΣ ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ)


Identifier is the unique number that assigns the system to the record.



It is structured terms that determine thematic the records.(e.g. French Revolution can be grouped in Subject: France -- History -- Revolution, 1789)

Relator Information

Type of relation between the fields

Search terms can be combined by the use of the Boolean operators And, Or, And not:

Logical conjuction, use of the term AND

Thus the search request

Author: Marcel Proust And Title: Akoma ena kalokairi

Means that we are looking for a record/s where the author is Marcel Proust and the title Akoma ena kalokairi

Logical disjuction, use of the term OR

The search request

Author: Marcel Proust Or Title: Akoma ena kalokairi

Means that we are looking for a record/s where either the author is Marcel Proust or the title Akoma ena kalokairi

Negation, use of the term NOT

The search request

Author: Marcel Proust And not Title: Akoma ena kalokairi

Means that we are looking for a all records having Marcel Proust as author and any title except the one named Akoma ena kalokairi


By default, the relation is logical conjuction.


Extra parameters

There is also the possibility to limit a search by using the following parameters


Date, institution, language and type of material can further limit all searches. You can limit your search request by using either one or more (all) of these fields:

• using Dates to confine the search within those dates,

• select the Institution that owns the digital record,

• select the Language of the record

•select the Type of Material of the record


In the Dates parameter you fill in the whole year. In case you don't know the precise date then you may fill the first two digits (e.g. 19).

It can be used one of the two dates (e.g. Date to 1800, has as a result all the records until 1800)


The user may select the institution to which belong the original records (e.g. Aegean University).


The user can select the language in which it was written the record (e.g. english,german e.t.c. )

Type of Material

The user can select the type of material that the record belongs to (e.g. Articles, Archives)


In order to make a search you must fill in at least one term.


Browse offers you the possibility to wander in an alphabetic or alpharithmetic index (like in a dictionary). Search ends up in an index where you can move forward and backwards. You don't have to type in capitals.

How to Browse:

Choose the index you want to search, enter the text and push the button Browse.A list starting with the text you have entered will show up.

For example:

If you choose Language and then you type gre then an alphabetic list will show up which will start from gre and that will concern the language in which every record is written.


1.Authenticated users can have access to hidden files during search

2.RSS(Really Simple Syndication)

This technology constitues a simple way for sending information from a web page, so that the user won't have to visit and search that piece of information from the site all over again. The only thing that you will need is to declare in the RSS program - or the online RSS service- what exactly you need to locate on the Internet and automatically the new information is sent to your computer. To be more precise, RSS is an exchange context format based on the XML language. Every RSS channel is constituted by a list of elements that contain a title as well as the link to the corresponding web page.


After a search, in order to limit the number of the results, the user is given the possibility to use Refine. This command takes the user to the Advanced Search page with the values in each field that corresponds to his search.