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1. Synthesis of multiresponsive copolymers for the development of "smart" organic-inorganic hybrids by Αχιλλέως, Δήμητρα Σ.
2. The best of many worlds : efficient machine learning inference on heterogeneous hardware architectures by Τσίρμπας, Ραφαήλ Α.
3. Protecting the Social Graph: Client–side mitigation of Cross–Site Content Forgery attacks by Λιγούρας, Σπυρίδων Αντώνιος
4. Αρχαϊκή και κλασική αγορά των Αθηνών by Μαχαίρα, Μαρία
5. Essays on the mode of competition, quality improvement, and collusion, in unionized oligopolies by Βαρβατάκη, Μαρία Μ.
6. The interplay between Inflammasome activation, mitochondrial oxidation, and bacterial burden in Interstitial Lung Diseases by Τραχαλάκη, Αθηνά