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1. Η νέα ευρωπαϊκή οικονομική διακυβέρνηση : θεσμικές και πολιτικές πτυχές by Παλαιογιάννη, Μαρία
2. Design and Integration of Agent-Based Partial Brain Models for Robotic Systems by Means of Hierarchical Cooperative Coevolution by Μανιαδάκης, Μιχαήλ
3. Improving Routing in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Systems by Παπαδάκης, Χαράλαμπος Γεώργιος
4. Evaluation of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty outcome in patients with peripheral arterial disease using modern medical imaging techniques (CT and MR perfusion ) by Γαλανάκης, Νικόλαος
5. Selection of Relevant Features for Audio Classification tasks by Μαρκάκη, Μαρία Γεώργιος
6. Investigation of electron capture in swift C4+ (1s2s 3S) collisions with gas targets using a zero-degree Auger projectile spectroscopy apparatus built with the L45 beam line at the “Demokritos” 5.5MV tandem accelerator. by Μαδέσης, Ιωάννης Μ.
7. Bayesian flooding for image and video segmentation by Γκρίνιας, Ηλίας
8. Functional analysis of innate immunity receptors in chronic lymphocytic leukemia by Vardi, Anna