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1. ArgQL: querying argumentative dialogues using a formal, structured language by Ζωγραφιστού, Δήμητρα Αντώνιος
2. Transparent spatial sharing of multiple and heterogeneous accelerators by Παυλιδάκης, Εμμανουήλ Ι.
3. Transnational Solidarity Organisations and their Main Features, before and since 2008: Adaptive and/or Autonomous? [article] by Κούση, Μαρία
4. Meta-learning synaptic plasticity rules to approximate gradient descent by Καραγεωργίου Κανήν, Χρήστος
5. Understanding file and information sharing services in web 2.0. by Αντωνιάδης, Δημήτρης Παναγιώτης