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1. Molecular characterization of temephos resistance in the major dengue and chikungunya vector Ae.albopictus by Γρηγοράκη, Λίντα
2. In vivo study of synthetic neurotrophin analogs in the 5xFAD animal model of Alzheimers disease by Βελισσαρίου, Μαρουσώ
3. Πρόσφατες κρίσης, επισφαλής απασχόληση και το διακύβευμα της κοινωνική βιωσιμότητας by Καρακωνσταντίνου, Αναστασία
4. Investigation of drain noise in high electron mobility transistors through On-Wafer characterization and modelling by Gabritchidze, Bekari I.
5. Evaluation of percutaneous transluminal angioplasty outcome in patients with peripheral arterial disease using modern medical imaging techniques (CT and MR perfusion ) by Γαλανάκης, Νικόλαος