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1. Simulations of time resolved experiments in XUV spectral range using time gated ion microscopy by Κωνσταντάκης, Παναγιώτης
2. Secretome Analysis of Lymphoma cells after reactivation of wild type p53 by Πιτσικάκη, Ανθή
3. Πλειών : papers in memory of Christiane Sourvinou-Inwood by Φιλοσοφική Σχολή
4. Applications of machine learning and computational methods in the prediction of cardiovascular remodeling by Αγγελάκη, Ελένη Ε.
5. Modeling the X-ray luminosity function of HMXB systems in the small magellanic cloud by Αλιπράντης, Σταμάτιος Ι.