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1. Mixing and reproduction of user generated audio recordings by Βισκαδούρος, Μενέλαος Μ.
2. Magnetotransport investigations of low-density III-N HEMT structures by Καβουσάκης, Εμμανουήλ
3. Classification of genomic properties of eukaryotic genes against three-dimensional A/B compartments by Λιανουδάκη, Ελένη
4. PerLNet: Learning to localize multiple periodic activities in real-world videos by Καρβούνας, Γεώργιος Δ.
5. Sparse and low-rank techniques for robust speaker recognition and missing-features reconstruction by Τζαγκαράκης, Χρήστος
6. UInify: A Designer Studio for creating UI Mashups for Ambient Intelligence Environments by Μπάρκα, Αλεξάνδρα Σ.
7. Αναντιστοιχία δεξιοτήτων, βιοτική τροχιά και απασχόληση στην Κρήτη την περίοδο της κρίσης by Χαλκιαδάκης, Εμμανουήλ Ιωάν.