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1. Responsive polymer nanostructures and hydrogels with photo/acid sensitive linkages for biomedical applications by Ψαρρού, Μαρία
2. Characterization of the mechanisms underlying the emergence of up and down states in a prefrontal cortex model microcircuit by Krioneriti, Daphne
3. Phonocardiogram signal classification using deep learning models by Καλαiτζή Ελένη
4. 1. Multifunctional scaffolds for bone tisse engineering : synthesis, characterization and in vitro evaluation 2.Visible light photopolymerizable hydrogels :Synthesis , characterization and in vitro evaluation by Παπαϊωάννου, Άννα
5. Functional properties of pyramidal neurons in V1 area in mice with MECP2 duplication syndrome related to contrast and development of a behavioral paradigm for learning by Σκαρβελάκη, Σταυρούλα