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1. Functional properties of pyramidal neurons in V1 area in mice with MECP2 duplication syndrome related to contrast and development of a behavioral paradigm for learning by Σκαρβελάκη, Σταυρούλα
2. Leveraging interprocess communication activity for characterizing Android software by Βολάνης, Σταμάτιος
3. Declaring and enforcing users' control in Personal Data Servers. A case study of UCONABC model. by Κατσουράκη, Αθανασία
4. Protecting the Social Graph: Client–side mitigation of Cross–Site Content Forgery attacks by Λιγούρας, Σπυρίδων Αντώνιος
5. A Lightweight Censorship-Resistant Web Access Architecture by Κονταξής, Γεώργιος Στυλιανός
6. Improved model-driven engineering with staged code generators by Βαλσαμάκης, Ιωάννης
7. LEoNIDIS: a low-latency and energy-efficient network-level intrusion detection system by Τσικουδής, Νικόλαος
8. Near real time measurements of chemical composition of fine aerosols (<1μm) in the Eastern Mediterranean by Σταυρούλας, Ιάσων Α
9. Μελέτη της ετεροπλασμίας του μιτοχονδριακού DNA σε εργαστηριακά στελέχη Drosophila και σε φυσικούς υβριδικούς πληθυσμούς by Παρακατσελάκη, Μαρία-Ελένη Ε