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1. CognitOS: A Unified Student-centric Working Environment of Adaptive Educational Applications for the Attention-aware Intelligent Classroom by Νταγιαντά, Αναστασία Γ.
2. Collaborative Ontology - based Information Indexing and Retrieval by Τζίτζικας, Ιωάννης
3. Visual simultaneous localization and mapping for humanoid robots with dense techniques by Ταβουλάρης, Νικόλαος Κ.
4. A real-time semantics-aware activity recognition system by Ευθυμίου, Βασίλειος Παναγιώτης
5. Farcast : improving forecasting via SDN by Μπαμιεδάκης – Πανανός, Μιχαήλ Ν.
6. Turnaround radius of galaxy clusters in N-body simulations by Κορκίδης, Γεώργιος Μ.
7. Power control-based design considerations for ad hoc and mesh networking by Αγγελάκης, Ευάγγελος Γεώργιος
8. Distribution, activity morphological and morphometrical characters of Erinaceus concolor nesiotes, Mustela nivalis galinthias, Martes foina bunites, Meles meles arcalus, Felis silvestris cretensis in Crete by Belardinelli, Alessandra
9. Functional properties of pyramidal neurons in V1 area in mice with MECP2 duplication syndrome related to contrast and development of a behavioral paradigm for learning by Σκαρβελάκη, Σταυρούλα
10. A scalable and reproducible bioinformatics workflow for HLA type inference from NGS data by Κολιαδήμα, Μαρία-Ευτυχία
11. Η ρύθμιση συναισθήματος στα ζεύγη και η κοινωνική συμπεριφορά, με έμφαση στο δεσμό και το συναίσθημα by Τανατζή, Αθηνά
12. Exposure to environmental pollutants in association with blood pressure in pregnant women by Σβεντζούρη, Αικατερίνη