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1. DRACOSS : a framework for direction of arrival estimation and counting of multiple sound sources with microphone arrays by Παυλίδη, Δέσποινα Απόστολος
2. Neural networks for the quality and intelligibility enhancement of speech by PV, Muhammed Shifas I.
3. Η συμβολή του τουρισμού στα δημοτικά έσοδα : η περίπτωση του Δήμου Ρεθύμνης by Παρίσση, Αικατερίνη
4. Analysis of whole exome sequencing data of patients with neurological and renal dosorders by Δράκος, Μηνάς Χρυσοβαλάντης
5. Study of the contamination of aquaculture and wild fish with Heavy Metals and Organochlorine environmental contaminants. Risk assessment and health implications for humans. by Ρενιέρη, Ελισάβετ-Μαρία