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1. Decomposition of AM-FM signals with applications in speech processing by Πανταζής, Ιωάννης Νικολάου
2. Characterization of Synovial Fibroblasts by Τοϊτου, Μελπομένη
3. Η πολύπλευρη κριτική στην κοινοβουλευτική κρίση του ελληνικού Μεσοπολέμου by Αναστασάκη, Μαρία
4. Development of a photoacoustic monitoring system for the study of laser ablation processes upon the removal of encrustation from stonework by Παπανικολάου, Αθανασία Φ.
5. Computational study of the metabolic diversityof the bacterium Escherichia coli : from single cells to cell communities and efficient systems by Τζαμαλή, Ελευθερία Κωνσταντίνου
6. Design, development and evaluation of a web-based inspection tool for the assessment of the user-experience of online services by Μανδηλαράς, Παντελής
7. Αποβιομηχάνιση και βιογραφικοί μετασχηματισμοί. Ιστορίες ζωής βιομηχανικών εργατών του Λαυρίου by Τσιώλης, Γεώργιος
8. Improving network performance through multipath utilization for wireless mesh networks by Πλουμίδης, Μανώλης
9. Maternal thyroid hormones during pregnancy and offspring neuropsychological and physical development, the “Rhea” mother-child cohort study, in Crete, Greece by Καμπούρη, Μαρίζα