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1. Hybrid SPECT/CT imaging in staging and re-staging of patients with neuroendocrine tumors (NETs by Πιτσικάκη, Ανθή
2. Encoding and suppression of distracting salient stimuli in the prefrontal and parietal cortices by Αντωνιάδου, Αλεξάνδρα
3. Exploit link-state routing to improve TCP in mobile ad hoc networks by Τριανταφυλλίδου, Δέσποινα
4. Black holes in string theory: entropy and microstates by Σακελλαρίου, Ιωάννης
5. Analysis of whole exome sequencing data of patients with neurological and renal dosorders by Δράκος, Μηνάς Χρυσοβαλάντης
6. Αναπαραστάσεις του θύματος στα ΜΜΕ by Μπουρελάκη, Σοφία