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1. Generic visualizer for spatially distributed data over indoor and outdoor maps by Σκουλούδη, Ευαγγελία Ι.
2. Functional properties of pyramidal neurons in V1 area in mice with MECP2 duplication syndrome related to contrast and development of a behavioral paradigm for learning by Σκαρβελάκη, Σταυρούλα
3. Tracking, re-identification and interaction using RGB-D sensors in ambient intelligence environments by Γαλανάκης, Γεώργιος Ε.
4. Arcane Tabletop: platform for creating, customizing and experiencing multi-player strategy board games in XR environments by Αγαπάκης, Αντώνιος Δ.
5. An investigation in change of depth of focus with constriction of the pupil by Σπάχο, Τζένη