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1. Direct communication and synchronization mechanisms in chip multiprocessors by Καββαδίας, Σταμάτης
2. Location sensing via sparse and low rank signal models by Νικητάκη, Σοφία
3. Computational modeling of observational learning inspired by the cortical underpinnings of human and monkey primates by Χουρδάκης, Εμμανουήλ Μηνάς
4. Computational study of the metabolic diversityof the bacterium Escherichia coli : from single cells to cell communities and efficient systems by Τζαμαλή, Ελευθερία Κωνσταντίνου
5. Request-Grant Scheduling for Congestion Elimination in Multistage Networks by Χρυσός, Νικόλαος Ι
6. The blue pill of matriX : analysis and prediction of twitter bots via explainable AI. by Shevtsov, Alexander S
7. Design and Integration of Agent-Based Partial Brain Models for Robotic Systems by Means of Hierarchical Cooperative Coevolution by Μανιαδάκης, Μιχαήλ
8. Effects of shear on the microstructure and mechanical properties of colloidal gels by Χρυσουλάκη, Βασιλική
9. Γνώσεις και αντιλήψεις για την υγιεινή των χεριών του υγειονομικού προσωπικού του νομού Λασιθίου by Παπαθανασάκη, Στυλιανή
10. Building efficient network traffic monitoring systems under heavy load by Παπαδογιαννάκης, Αντώνιος
11. Optimization Algorithms for Discrete Markov Random Fields with Applications to Computer Vision by Κομοντάκης, Νικόλαος
12. Distributed algorithms for support vector machine training in wireless sensor networks by Φλουρή, Καλλιρρόη Εμμανουήλ
13. Predictive Autonomous Robot Navigation by Φωκά, Αμαλία
14. FIRMA: a development framework for Elderly - Friendly interactive multimodal applications for assistive robots by Καζέπης, Νικόλαος Ιωάννη
15. Επίδραση διαλυτών ψεκασμού στα φάσματα μάζας πρωτεϊνών κατά την εκρόφησή τους με ιοντισμό υπερηχητικής εκνέφωσης (DeSSI) by Τσολακούδης, Ηλίας