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1. Optimization of a non-linear microscope through group delay dispersion correction for two-photon excited fluorescence by Μαρίνος, Στέφανος
2. Development of prototype polaritonic devices exploiting the macroscopic bosonic properties of polaritons in semiconductor microcavities by Πάσχος, Ιωάννης
3. Sparse representations and coupled dictionary learning for the enhancement of computational imaging systems by Φωτιάδου, Κωνσταντίνα Π
4. Identification and functional characterization of RNA Silencing key-genes in the model pennate diatom species Phaeodactylum tricornutum by Γρυπιώτη, Αιμιλία Σ
5. Η ordoliberal αντιμετώπιση της κρίσης της Ευρωζώνης by Μιαρής, Γεώργιος
6. Λιθοξόοι και γλύπτες στη βενετική Κρήτη by Βακονδίου, Μαρία
7. UInify: A Designer Studio for creating UI Mashups for Ambient Intelligence Environments by Μπάρκα, Αλεξάνδρα Σ.
8. The burden of cognitive impairment in Primary Health Care: Associations with selected clinical phenotypes by Μπερτσιάς, Αντώνιος
9. School of Social Sciences by
10. Android’s security and privacy journey through the lens of access control policies by Διαμαντάρης, Μιχάλης Η