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1. Optimization of the Enrichment of Circulating Tumor Cells for Downstream Phenotypic Analysis in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treated with Anti-PD-1 Immunotherapy by Papadaki, Maria A.
2. Impact of organic and inorganic aerosol particles on the formation of primary ice crystals in mixed-phase clouds by Χατζηπαράσχος, Μάριος Ε
3. X-ray variability study in AGN by Καρακωνσταντάκης, Άγγελος
4. FIRMA: a development framework for Elderly - Friendly interactive multimodal applications for assistive robots by Καζέπης, Νικόλαος Ιωάννη
5. Selection in spatial heterogeneous environments by Παπαδαντωνάκης, Στέφανος
6. Predicting the behavior of immune cell populations from single cell proteomic data. by Angelova, Nelina
7. Μέθοδοι και τεχνικές αξιολόγησης εκπαιδευτικών προγραμμάτων σχολικής μετάβασης by Αυγουστή, Μαρία
8. Η νέα ευρωπαϊκή οικονομική διακυβέρνηση : θεσμικές και πολιτικές πτυχές by Παλαιογιάννη, Μαρία
9. Learning deep generative models for the enhancement of imbalanced signal classification by Τρουλλινού, Ειρήνη Ι
10. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Higher Education and Faculty Development “Developing Academics’ Pedagogical Acuity” by Katsampoxaki-Hodgetts, Kallia