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1. Analysis of whole exome sequencing data of patients with neurological and renal dosorders by Δράκος, Μηνάς Χρυσοβαλάντης
2. Direct communication and synchronization mechanisms in chip multiprocessors by Καββαδίας, Σταμάτης
3. Design and Integration of Agent-Based Partial Brain Models for Robotic Systems by Means of Hierarchical Cooperative Coevolution by Μανιαδάκης, Μιχαήλ
4. A scalable and reproducible bioinformatics workflow for HLA type inference from NGS data by Κολιαδήμα, Μαρία-Ευτυχία
5. Transnational Solidarity Organisations and their Main Features, before and since 2008: Adaptive and/or Autonomous? [article] by Κούση, Μαρία