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1. Localizing selective sweeps using higher order Site Frequency Spectra: the 2-D SFS by Μαλλιαρού, Μαρία
2. Radio-frequency adiabatic potentials for guided atom-clock interferometry by Mas, Hector Peris L.
3. Algorithms for the analysis and visualization of biomedical networks by Τσιάρας, Βασίλειος Λεωνίδα
4. Dynamics of concentrated colloidal suspensions by Μπόγρη, Παναγιώτα
5. Computational modeling of observational learning inspired by the cortical underpinnings of human and monkey primates by Χουρδάκης, Εμμανουήλ Μηνάς
6. A computational framework for observing and understanding the interaction of humans with objects of their environment by Κυριαζής, Νικόλαος
7. Οδηγός σπουδών Βιολογίας 2005-2006 by Τμήμα Βιολογίας, Πανεπιστήμιο Κρήτης