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1. A real time algorithm for soft mesh deformation and interaction in collaborative, networked virtual reality environments by Λυδατάκης, Νικόλαος Κ.
2. Formation and properties of metastable defects induced by pulsed laser irradiation in hydrogenated amorphous Silicon by Κοπιδάκης, Νίκος
3. Linear and nonlinear optical properties of materials for the development of 3D photonic nanostructures at telecommunication wavelengths by Λαδίκα, Δήμητρα
4. Αντιδιαβρωτικά επιστρώματα με βάση μεταλλοφωσφονικά υλικά by Χαλκιαδάκης, Σοφοκλής