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1. Modelling and simulation of deformation localization in fibrous extracellular matrix induced by contractile fibroblasts by Καλαϊτζίδου Χρυσοβαλάντου
2. Biological response of innovative biomaterials for bone tissue engineering applications by Γεωργοπούλου, Ανθή
3. DRACOSS : a framework for direction of arrival estimation and counting of multiple sound sources with microphone arrays by Παυλίδη, Δέσποινα Απόστολος
4. Αξιολόγηση οφθαλμικών φακών με εκτροπόμετρο Shack-Hartmann by Δρόσος, Δημοσθένης
5. Slice imaging studies of the ultraviolet photodissociation of dihalogens and halomethanes by Καρτακούλλης, Ανδρέας Ι.